Edward F. Crawley

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Crawley presenting at Skoltech RIAN archive 1006431 Presentation by Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.jpg
Crawley presenting at Skoltech

Edward F. Crawley (born September 7, 1954) is a Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and of Engineering Systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [1] His teaching and research focuses on Space Systems, Systems Architecture and Systems Engineering. He serves as the co-chair of NASA Exploration Technology Development Program Review Committee [2] and formerly served as the Co-Director of the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program at MIT. [3]

In 1998, Crawley was elected as a member into the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to control-structure interaction and its applications on Earth and in space, and to the international space program. In 2011, Crawley was elected as a foreign member into the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

From 2011 to 2016 he was President of Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Skolkovo innovation center. [4] He was on leave from MIT since 2011 and planned to return after leaving the Skolkovo office. [5]

Prof. Crawley earned his S.B. (1976) and an S.M. (1978) in Aeronautics and Astronautics, and an Sc.D. (1981) in Aerospace Structures from MIT. [1] Prof. Crawley was the founding co-director of the MIT System Design and Management graduate program and also the CDIO. [1]


  1. 1 2 3 "Edward F. Crawley - MIT AeroAstro". MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. MIT. Archived from the original on 2018-04-15. Retrieved 2022-12-11.
  2. "Meet the Committee". NASA . Retrieved 30 April 2011.
  3. "Invest in Developing Tomorrow's Engineering Leaders". MIT . Retrieved 20 January 2016.
  4. "Edward Crawley". Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.
  5. "Crawley announces intention to step down as president of Skoltech". MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 19 September 2015. Retrieved 2021-12-15.