Elizabeth H. Boyer

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Elizabeth Hall Boyer
Genre Fantasy

Elizabeth Hall Boyer (born 1952) is an American fantasy author [1] [2] [3] who produced books in the 1980s and early 1990s. [4]



Boyer studied English literature and Scandinavian mythology at Brigham Young University. She lives on a farm near Atlanta and no longer writes.[ citation needed ]

Boyer is considered an early contributor to the mass-market fantasy genre and a contemporary of Niel Hancock.[ citation needed ]


Her work is deeply influenced by Norse mythology, and set in a fantasy world with a similar climate and geography as the Scandinavia of Norse myths. While Norse myths influenced fantasy, including authors like Tolkien and Lewis, Boyer's works followed them more closely than other writers.

Her stories are characterized by elements like light and dark elves, dwarves, trolls, sorcerers, ley lines, burial mounds, and wizards. Boyer follows the Norse versions of these elements closely without much deviation. Boyer's early books are dominated by the theme of the heroic quest.[ citation needed ]


Her works continue to be popular since their publication, although critics consider her later works inferior compared to her original Alfar series. The Skyla series was noted as "less ambitious" and darker yet slow-paced, patchy, and tentative. [4]

Other critics attribute her lack of popular appeal compared to contemporaries like Tolkien and Lewis to a narrower thematic subtext. Boyer's works require readers to be interested in Norse mythology in order to fully appreciate them, which led to a lack of wider acceptance and recognition as a fantasy pioneer.[ citation needed ]


World of the Alfar

  1. The Sword and the Satchel (1980)
  2. The Elves and the Otterskin (1981)
  3. The Thrall and the Dragon's Heart (1982)
  4. The Wizard and the Warlord (1983)

Wizard's War

  1. The Troll's Grindstone (1986)
  2. The Curse of Slagfid (1989)
  3. The Dragon's Carbuncle (1990)
  4. The Lord of Chaos (1991)


  1. The Clan of the Warlord (1992)
  2. The Black Lynx (1993)
  3. Keeper of Cats (1995)

Historical fiction

Short stories

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J. R. R. Tolkien, a fantasy author and professional philologist, drew on the Old English poem Beowulf for multiple aspects of his Middle-earth legendarium, alongside other influences. He used elements such as names, monsters, and the structure of society in a heroic age. He emulated its style, creating an impression of depth and adopting an elegiac tone. Tolkien admired the way that Beowulf, written by a Christian looking back at a pagan past, just as he was, embodied a "large symbolism" without ever becoming allegorical. He worked to echo the symbolism of life's road and individual heroism in The Lord of the Rings.

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J. R. R. Tolkien repeatedly dealt with the theme of death and immortality in Middle-earth. He stated that the "real theme" of The Lord of the Rings was "Death and Immortality". In Middle-earth, Men are mortal, while Elves are immortal. One of his stories, The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, explores the willing choice of death through the love of an immortal Elf for a mortal Man. He several times revisited the Old Norse theme of the mountain tomb, containing treasure along with the dead and visited by fighting. He brought multiple leading evil characters in The Lord of the Rings to a fiery end, including Gollum, the Nazgûl, the Dark Lord Sauron, and the evil Wizard Saruman, while in The Hobbit, the dragon Smaug is killed. Their destruction contrasts with the heroic deaths of two leaders of the free peoples, Théoden of Rohan and Boromir of Gondor, reflecting the early Medieval ideal of Northern courage. Despite these pagan themes, the work contains hints of Christianity, such as of the resurrection of Christ, as when the Lord of the Nazgûl, thinking himself victorious, calls himself Death, only to be answered by the crowing of a cockerel. There are, too, hints that the Elvish land of Lothlórien represents an Earthly Paradise. Scholars have commented that Tolkien clearly moved during his career from being oriented towards pagan themes to a more Christian theology.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tolkien's impact on fantasy</span> A fantasy authors effect on literary genre

J. R. R. Tolkien has been called the "father of fantasy". His novel The Lord of the Rings, published in 1954–5, enormously influenced fantasy writing, establishing in particular the form of high or epic fantasy, set in a secondary or fantasy world in an act of mythopoeia. The book was distinctive at the time for its considerable length, its "epic" feel with a cast of heroic characters, its wide geography, and its battles. It involved an extensive history behind the action, an impression of depth, multiple sentient races and monsters, and powerful talismans. The story is a quest, with multiple subplots. The novel's success demonstrated that the genre was commercially distinct and viable.


  1. "Author Information: Elizabeth H. Boyer". Internet Book List. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2014-11-19.
  2. "Elizabeth Boyer". FantasyLibrary.net. Archived from the original on 2015-02-17. Retrieved 2014-11-19.
  3. "Author Elizabeth H. Boyer's Biography,Bibliography,Novels,Short Stories,Related Websites". SFBookcase.com. Retrieved 2014-11-19.
  4. 1 2 D'Ammassa, Don (14 May 2014). Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction. Infobase Publishing. p. 31. ISBN   978-1-4381-0909-1.