Embedded Supercomputing

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Embedded Supercomputing [1] (EmbSup) a relatively new solution which targets fine grain and coarse grain parallelism altogether. This combination thought to be a best way for exploiting fine and coarse grain parallelism by targeting fine grain parallelism towards FPGAs and coarse grained parallelism towards super computers or clusters.

Basically Embedded Supercomputing is a hybrid network of CPU and FPGA hardware, where FPGA acts as external co-processor to CPU. However, this programming model is still evolving and has many challenges.

Programming Model for EmbSup

Embedded Supercomputing Embedded SC.JPG
Embedded Supercomputing

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  1. Deconinck, Geert; De Florio, Vincenzo; A. Varvarigou, Theodora; AVerentziotis, Evangelos (March 2002). "The EFTOS Approach to Dependability in Embedded Supercomputing". IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 51: 76–90. doi:10.1109/24.994916.