Environmental warfare

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Bergan oil field fire during the Gulf War, 1991 Bergan oil field fire.jpg
Bergan oil field fire during the Gulf War, 1991

Environmental warfare means waging warfare by means of deliberate environmental destruction or alteration, in order to repel enemy assault, as well as to hinder, hamper or injure the opponent.


Operations, which fall under environmental welfare can include hydrogeological, physical, and/ or chemical processes or substances. The goal of environmental warfare is not to kill the enemies but to generate a partial health damage for their societies or to distract the enemy in order to prevent or hinder attacks. [1]


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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to war:


  1. Fakron, Malik M. A. (2024). "Environmental Warfare Operation Principles". Applied Sciences Research Periodicals. 2 (2): 10–15. Retrieved 2024-03-14.
