Eriko Takano

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Eriko Takano
Eriko Takano for Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques.jpg
Eriko Takano lectures for the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in 2015
Alma mater Kitasato University (BSc)
University of East Anglia (PhD)
Known for Synthetic Biology
Scientific career
Institutions University of East Anglia
University of Manchester
University of Tübingen
University of Groningen
Thesis ppGpp and antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)  (1993)

Eriko Takano is a professor of synthetic biology and a director of the Synthetic Biology Research Centre for Fine and Speciality Chemicals (SYNBIOCHEM) at the University of Manchester. [1] [2] She develops antibiotics and other high-value chemicals using microbial synthetic biology tools.


Early life and education

Takano was born in Japan. [3] She studied pharmacy at Kitasato University and graduated in 1985. [3] After graduating she worked as a researcher in the Meiji Seika Kaisha Department of Genetics. She moved to the United Kingdom for her graduate studies, where she joined the John Innes Centre. [3] In 1994 she earned her PhD at the University of East Anglia, [4] and she was appointed a postdoctoral researcher in the molecular biology department. [3]

Research and career

In 2002 Takano was appointed an assistant professor in the Department of Microbiology at University of Tübingen. Here she worked on the γ-Butyrolactone molecules that act to regulate antibiotic production and morphological differentiation in Streptomyces . [5] She was made a Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the University of Groningen in 2006 and promoted to associate professor in 2010. [3]

In 2012 Takano was made Professor of Synthetic Biology at the University of Manchester. She leads the biotechnology theme in the Faculty of Life Sciences. Her research considers synthetic biology for the production of antibiotics, as well as the development of software for bioinformatics that can design natural products. [3] [6] [7] Her software contributions includes antiSMASH [8] and MultiGeneBlast. [9] These can include the secondary biosynthetic pathways that have been identified from any genome sequence. [10] Genome sequencing offers new opportunities to find production pathways for antibiotics. [11] Takano is developing robotic systems to explore the potential biosynthetic pathways, testing thousands of new compounds every year. [11] [12]

Takano is a director of the European Centre of Excellence Synthetic Biology Research Centre for Fine and Speciality Chemicals (SYNBIOCHEM). [13] In 2015 Vince Cable announced a £10 million investment into Synthetic Biology to the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester. [14]

Awards and honours

Her awards and honours include;

Selected publications

Her publications [1] include;

Related Research Articles

<i>Streptomyces</i> Genus of bacteria

Streptomyces is the largest genus of Actinobacteria and the type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae. Over 500 species of Streptomyces bacteria have been described. As with the other Actinobacteria, streptomycetes are gram-positive, and have genomes with high GC content. Found predominantly in soil and decaying vegetation, most streptomycetes produce spores, and are noted for their distinct "earthy" odor that results from production of a volatile metabolite, geosmin.

Production of antibiotics is a naturally occurring event, that thanks to advances in science can now be replicated and improved upon in laboratory settings. Due to the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, and the efforts of Florey and Chain in 1938, large-scale, pharmaceutical production of antibiotics has been made possible. As with the initial discovery of penicillin, most antibiotics have been discovered as a result of happenstance. Antibiotic production can be grouped into three methods: natural fermentation, semi-synthetic, and synthetic. As more and more bacteria continue to develop resistance to currently produced antibiotics, research and development of new antibiotics continues to be important. In addition to research and development into the production of new antibiotics, repackaging delivery systems is important to improving efficacy of the antibiotics that are currently produced. Improvements to this field have seen the ability to add antibiotics directly into implanted devices, aerosolization of antibiotics for direct delivery, and combination of antibiotics with non antibiotics to improve outcomes. The increase of antibiotic resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria has led to an increased urgency for the funding of research and development of antibiotics and a desire for production of new and better acting antibiotics.

Computational genomics refers to the use of computational and statistical analysis to decipher biology from genome sequences and related data, including both DNA and RNA sequence as well as other "post-genomic" data. These, in combination with computational and statistical approaches to understanding the function of the genes and statistical association analysis, this field is also often referred to as Computational and Statistical Genetics/genomics. As such, computational genomics may be regarded as a subset of bioinformatics and computational biology, but with a focus on using whole genomes to understand the principles of how the DNA of a species controls its biology at the molecular level and beyond. With the current abundance of massive biological datasets, computational studies have become one of the most important means to biological discovery.

60S ribosomal protein L10-like

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Joachim Messing

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<i>Streptomyces griseus</i> Species of bacterium

Streptomyces griseus is a species of bacteria in the genus Streptomyces commonly found in soil. A few strains have been also reported from deep-sea sediments. It is a Gram-positive bacterium with high GC content. Along with most other streptomycetes, S. griseus strains are well known producers of antibiotics and other such commercially significant secondary metabolites. These strains are known to be producers of 32 different structural types of bioactive compounds. Streptomycin, the first antibiotic ever reported from a bacterium, comes from strains of S. griseus. Recently, the whole genome sequence of one of its strains had been completed.

Actinorhodin Chemical compound

Actinorhodin is a benzoisochromanequinone dimer polyketide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces coelicolor. The gene cluster responsible for actinorhodin production contains the biosynthetic enzymes and genes responsible for export of the antibiotic. The antibiotic also has the effect of being a pH indicator due to its pH-dependent color change.


Anthracimycin is a polyketide antibiotic discovered in 2013. Anthracimycin is derived from marine actinobacteria. In preliminary laboratory research, it has shown activity against Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, and against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Streptomyces isolates have yielded the majority of human, animal, and agricultural antibiotics, as well as a number of fundamental chemotherapy medicines. Streptomyces is the largest antibiotic-producing genus of actinobacteria, producing chemotherapy, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic drugs, and immunosuppressants. Streptomyces isolates are typically initiated with the aerial hyphal formation from the mycelium.

Streptomyces antibioticus is a gram-positive bacterium discovered in 1941 by Nobel-prize-winner Selman Waksman and H. Boyd Woodruff. Its name is derived from the Greek "strepto-" meaning "twisted", alluding to this genus' chain-like spore production, and "antibioticus", referring to this species' extensive antibiotic production. Upon its first characterization, it was noted that S. antibioticus produces a distinct soil odor.

Streptomyces albidoflavus is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces which has been isolated from soil from Poland. Streptomyces albidoflavus produces dibutyl phthalate and streptothricins.

Streptomyces albofaciens is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces which produces oxytetracycline, spiramycin, albopeptin A, albopeptin B and alpomycin.

Streptomyces ambofaciens is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces which has been isolated from soil from France. Streptomyces ambofaciens produces ambobactin, foromacidin A, foromacidin B, foromacidin C, 18-deoxospiramicin I, 17-methylenespiramycin I and congocidin.

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Streptomyces netropsis is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces. Streptomyces netropsis produces the antibiotics netropsin and distamycin A and the antifungal polyene mycoheptin

Streptomyces virginiae is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces which has been isolated from soil. Streptomyces virginiae produces actithiazic acid, virginiamycins and cycloserine. Streptomyces virginiae also produces monensin A, monensin B, monensin C, monensin D, actithiazic acid.

Jadomycin Chemical compound

A jadomycin is a natural product produced by Streptomyces venezuelae ISP5230 (ATCC10712), the organism which is most well known for making the antibiotic chloramphenicol. The name jadomycin is applied to a family of related angucyclines which are distinguished by the E ring, which is derived from an amino acid. The amino acid incorporation which forms the E-ring is a chemical reaction, rather than enzymatic, an uncommon occurrence in biosynthesis. As such a number of jadomycins incorporating different amino acids have been discovered. Jadomycin A was the first compound of this family to be isolated and constitutes the angucylic backbone with L-isoleucine incorporated into the E-ring. A related analog, jadomycin B, is modified by glycosylation with a 2,6-dideoxy sugar, L-digitoxose. Jadomycins have cytotoxic and antibacterial properties.

Streptomyces sp. myrophorea Species of bacterium

Streptomyces sp. myrophorea, isolate McG1 is a species of Streptomyces, that originates from a (ethnopharmacology) folk cure in the townland of Toneel North in Boho, County Fermanagh. This area was previously occupied by the Druids and before this neolithic people who engraved the nearby Reyfad stones. Streptomyces sp. myrophorea is inhibitory to many species of ESKAPE pathogens, can grow at high pH (10.5) and can tolerate relatively high levels of radioactivity.

Vera Meyer

Vera Meyer is a German biotechnologist and professor at the Technical University of Berlin. She is the head of the department for Applied and Molecular Microbiology.

Genome mining

Genome mining describes the exploitation of genomic information for the discovery of biosynthetic pathways of natural products and their possible interactions. It depends on computational technology and bioinformatics tools. The mining process relies on a huge amount of data accessible in genomic databases. By applying data mining algorithms, the data can be used to generate new knowledge in several areas of medicinal chemistry, such as discovering novel natural products.


  1. 1 2 Eriko Takano publications indexed by Google Scholar OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
  2. Eriko Takano publications from Europe PubMed Central
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Prof Eriko Takano PhD | The University of Manchester". Retrieved 2019-09-04.
  4. Takano, Eriko (1993). ppGpp and antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) (PhD thesis). University of East Anglia. OCLC   557313992. EThOS
  5. Takano, Eriko (2006). "γ-Butyrolactones: Streptomyces signalling molecules regulating antibiotic production and differentiation". Current Opinion in Microbiology. 9 (3): 287–294. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2006.04.003. hdl: 11370/1a6bd16d-2b68-4255-bb68-517489183d4c . ISSN   1369-5274. PMID   16675291.
  6. "Synthetic Biology for the Development of New Antibiotics". iBiology. Retrieved 2019-09-04.
  7. Breitling, Rainer; Takano, Eriko; Yan, Cunyu; Swainston, Neil; W. Rattray, Nicholas J.; J. Jervis, Adrian; Currin, Andrew; Carbonell, Pablo (2016). "Bioinformatics for the synthetic biology of natural products: integrating across the Design–Build–Test cycle". Natural Product Reports. 33 (8): 925–932. doi:10.1039/C6NP00018E. PMC   5063057 . PMID   27185383.
  8. 1 2 Tanako, Eriko (2015). "antiSMASH 3.0—a comprehensive resource for the genome mining of biosynthetic gene clusters". Nucleic Acids Research. 43 (W1): W237–W243. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv437. PMC   4489286 . PMID   25948579.
  9. Medema, Marnix H.; Takano, Eriko; Breitling, Rainer (2013-02-14). "Detecting Sequence Homology at the Gene Cluster Level with MultiGeneBlast". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 30 (5): 1218–1223. doi:10.1093/molbev/mst025. ISSN   1537-1719. PMC   3670737 . PMID   23412913.
  10. Takano, Eriko; Roel Bovenberg; Breitling, Rainer; Medema, Marnix H. (2011). "Exploiting plug-and-play synthetic biology for drug discovery and production in microorganisms". Nature Reviews Microbiology. 9 (2): 131–137. doi:10.1038/nrmicro2478. ISSN   1740-1534. PMID   21189477. S2CID   28455490.
  11. 1 2 "How robots could solve the antibiotics production crisis". How robots could solve the antibiotics production crisis. Retrieved 2019-09-04.
  12. "MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS: Could Mancunian robots save humanity from superbugs? | Research Explorer | The University of Manchester". Retrieved 2019-09-04.
  13. "SYNBIOCHEM - About - Leadership" . Retrieved 2019-09-04.
  14. Vince Cable Announces £10m Investment At Manchester Uni , retrieved 2019-09-04