Event structure

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In mathematics and computer science, an event structure describes sequences of events that can be triggered by combinations of other events, with certain forbidden combinations of events. Different sources provide more or less flexible mathematical formalizations of the way events can be triggered and which combinations are forbidden.

The most general of these formalizations is given by Glynn Winskel. Winskel formalizes an event structure can be formalized as a triple , in which:

According to Winskel's definitions, a configuration of an event structure is a subset of all of whose finite subsets are consistent and whose events are all secured. Here, an event is secured when it belongs to a finite sequence of events from the configuration, each of which is enabled by the subset of earlier events from the same sequence. [1]

The nlab simplifies these definitions in two ways:

For the event structures with both simplifications, which nlab calls prime event structures, the configurations are the downward-closed subsets of the partial order that include no incompatible pairs. [2]

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  1. Winskel, Glynn (1986), "Event structures" (PDF), in Brauer, Wilfried; Reisig, Wolfgang; Rozenberg, Grzegorz (eds.), Petri Nets: Central Models and Their Properties, Advances in Petri Nets 1986, Part II, Proceedings of an Advanced Course, Bad Honnef, Germany, 8-19 September 1986, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 255, Springer, pp. 325–392, doi:10.1007/3-540-17906-2_31, ISBN   978-3-540-17906-1
  2. Event structure at the nLab