Eye2eye Software

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Eye2eye Software Ltd is a UK educational software publisher, which has systematically photographed Britain in 360 degree panoramas and stills, publishing the collection as the school resource and home reference Eye2eye Britain. Using a portable panoramic camera developed by themselves they have followed a 'points of interest' approach – taking panoramas on mountains, beaches, inside buildings, factories, heritage sites, etc., rather than a street (car) based approach like Google street view. [1]



Panorama technology

Eye2eye's approach to panoramic photography depends on two technologies they have developed themselves: [1]

  1. A portable panoramic camera system capturing a 360 by 105 degree panorama in a single click.
  2. Panorama rendering software for the PC that syncs with screen refresh, rendering a perspective view frame for each screen refresh (e.g. 60 frames per second) for smooth panorama movement.

This technology has shaped their approach to panorama-photographing Britain. They have used their portable camera system to capture points of interest panoramas on foot, e.g. interiors, beaches, tower-top or mountain-top views. Single-click capture copes well with places with movement, e.g. crowds, waves on beach. This approach has the advantage of covering places of [inter]national interest, but the disadvantage of being labour-intensive, so the quantity of panoramas (currently around 1,500) is less than in car-based projects like Google Street View. Eye2eye have also been able to write captions and indexes for each panorama.


  1. 1 2 3 Eye2eye Software Website
  2. Newnham, D: Coastbusters, The Guardian, 20 February 1999
  3. Rawlinson, N: Eye2eye Britain, Personal Computer World, July 1999
  4. Bedford, M: Eye2eye Britain - Panorama Edition, Computer Shopper, 17 May 2005
  5. Parkinson, A: Bring maps to life and save the world, Education Guardian, 12 December 2006