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In signal processing, Feature space Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (fMLLR) is a global feature transform that are typically applied in a speaker adaptive way, where fMLLR transforms acoustic features to speaker adapted features by a multiplication operation with a transformation matrix. In some literature, fMLLR is also known as the Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (cMLLR).



fMLLR transformations are trained in a maximum likelihood sense on adaptation data. These transformations may be estimated in many ways, but only maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is considered in fMLLR. The fMLLR transformation is trained on a particular set of adaptation data, such that it maximizes the likelihood of that adaptation data given a current model-set.

This technique is a widely used approach for speaker adaptation in HMM-based speech recognition. [1] [2] Later research [3] also shows that fMLLR is an excellent acoustic feature for DNN/HMM [4] hybrid speech recognition models.

The advantage of fMLLR includes the following:

Major problem and disadvantage of fMLLR:

Computing fMLLR transform

Feature transform of fMLLR can be easily computed with the open source speech tool Kaldi, the Kaldi script uses the standard estimation scheme described in Appendix B of the original paper, [1] in particular the section Appendix B.1 "Direct method over rows".

In the Kaldi formulation, fMLLR is an affine feature transform of the form , which can be written in the form →W, where = is the acoustic feature with a 1 appended. Note that this differs from some of the literature where the 1 comes first as =.

The sufficient statistics stored are:

where is the inverse co-variance matrix.

And for where is the feature dimension:

For a thorough review that explains fMLLR and the commonly used estimation techniques, see the original paper "Maximum likelihood linear transformations for HMM-based speech recognition [1] ".

Note that the Kaldi script that performs the feature transforms of fMLLR differs with [1] by using a column of the inverse in place of the cofactor row. In other words, the factor of the determinant is ignored, as it does not affect the transform result and can causes potential danger of numerical underflow or overflow.

Comparing with other features or transforms

Experiment result shows that by using the fMLLR feature in speech recognition, constant improvement is gained over other acoustic features on various commonly used benchmark datasets (TIMIT, LibriSpeech, etc).

In particular, fMLLR features outperform MFCCs and FBANKs coefficients, which is mainly due to the speaker adaptation process that fMLLR performs. [3]

In, [3] phoneme error rate (PER, %) is reported for the test set of TIMIT with various neural architectures:

PER results obtained from Pytorch-Kaldi [3]

As expected, fMLLR features outperform MFCCs and FBANKs coefficients despite the use of different model architecture.

Where MLP (multi-layer perceptron) serves as a simple baseline, on the other hand RNN, LSTM, and GRU are all well known recurrent models.

The Li-GRU [5] architecture is based on a single gate and thus saves 33% of the computations over a standard GRU model, Li-GRU thus effectively address the gradient vanishing problem of recurrent models.

As a result, the best performance is obtained with the Li-GRU model on fMLLR features.

Extract fMLLR features with Kaldi

fMLLR can be extracted as reported in the s5 recipe of Kaldi.

Kaldi scripts can certainly extract fMLLR features on different dataset, below are the basic example steps to extract fMLLR features from the open source speech corpora Librispeech.

Note that the instructions below are for the subsets train-clean-100,train-clean-360,dev-clean, and test-clean,

but they can be easily extended to support the other sets dev-other, test-other, and train-other-500.

  1. These instruction are based on the codes provided in this GitHub repository, which contains Kaldi recipes on the LibriSpeech corpora to execute the fMLLR feature extraction process, replace the files under $KALDI_ROOT/egs/librispeech/s5/ with the files in the repository.
  2. Install Kaldi.
  3. Install Kaldiio.
  4. If running on a single machine, change the following lines in $KALDI_ROOT/egs/librispeech/s5/ to replace to
    exporttrain_cmd=" --mem 2G"exportdecode_cmd=" --mem 4G"exportmkgraph_cmd=" --mem 8G"
  5. Change the data path in to your LibriSpeech data path, the directory LibriSpeech/ should be under that path. For example:
    data=/media/user/SSD# example path
  6. Install flac with: sudo apt-get install flac
  7. Run the Kaldi recipe for LibriSpeech at least until Stage 13 (included), for simplicity you can use the modified
  8. Copy exp/tri4b/trans.* files into exp/tri4b/decode_tgsmall_train_clean_*/ with the following command:
  9. Compute the fMLLR features by running the following script, the script can also be downloaded here:
    #!/bin/bash../ You'll want to change to something that will work on your system.../ Source the tools/utils (import the forchunkindev_cleantest_cleantrain_clean_100train_clean_360;dodir=fmllr/$chunksteps/nnet/"$train_cmd"\--transform-dir$gmmdir/decode_tgsmall_$chunk\$dirdata/$chunk$gmmdir$dir/log$dir/data||exit1compute-cmvn-stats--spk2utt=ark:data/$chunk/spk2uttscp:fmllr/$chunk/feats.scpark:$dir/data/cmvn_speaker.ark done
  10. Compute alignments using:
    # alignments on dev_clean and test_cleansteps/ steps/ steps/ steps/ 
  11. Apply CMVN and dump the fMLLR features to new .ark files, the script can also be downloaded here:
    #!/bin/bashdata=/user/kaldi/egs/librispeech/s5## You'll want to change this path to something that will work on your system.rm-rf$data/fmllr_cmvn/ mkdir$data/fmllr_cmvn/ forpartindev_cleantest_cleantrain_clean_100train_clean_360;domkdir$data/fmllr_cmvn/$part/ apply-cmvn--utt2spk=ark:$data/fmllr/$part/utt2spkark:$data/fmllr/$part/data/cmvn_speaker.arkscp:$data/fmllr/$part/feats.scpark:-|add-deltas--delta-order=0ark:-ark:$data/fmllr_cmvn/$part/fmllr_cmvn.ark donedu-sh$data/fmllr_cmvn/* echo"Done!"
  12. Use the Python script to convert Kaldi generated .ark features to .npy for your own dataloader, an example Python script is provided: 

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 M.J.F. Gales (1998). "Maximum likelihood linear transformations for HMM-based speech recognition". Computer Speech & Language. 12 (2): 75–98. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1006/csla.1998.0043.
  2. Jing Huang; E Marcheret; K Visweswariah (2005). Rapid Feature Space Speaker Adaptation for Multi-Stream HMM-Based Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE. pp. 338–341. doi:10.1109/ICME.2005.1521429.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Ravanelli, Mirco; Parcollet, Titouan; Bengio, Yoshua (2018-11-18). "The PyTorch-Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit". arXiv: 1811.07453 [eess.AS].
  4. Li, Longfei; Zhao, Yong; Jiang, Dongmei; Zhang, Yanning; Wang, Fengna; Gonzalez, Isabel; Valentin, Enescu; Sahli, Hichem (September 2013). "Hybrid Deep Neural Network--Hidden Markov Model (DNN-HMM) Based Speech Emotion Recognition". 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. IEEE. pp. 312–317. doi:10.1109/acii.2013.58. ISBN   978-0-7695-5048-0. S2CID   9665019.
  5. Ravanelli, Mirco; Brakel, Philemon; Omologo, Maurizio; Bengio, Yoshua (2017-08-20). "Improving Speech Recognition by Revising Gated Recurrent Units". Interspeech 2017. ISCA: ISCA: 1308–1312. arXiv: 1710.00641 . Bibcode:2017arXiv171000641R. doi:10.21437/interspeech.2017-775. S2CID   1696099.