The Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (FIESP, Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo) is a Brazilian industry entity. FIESP is affiliated with the National Industry Confederation (CNI).
FIESP has 52 representative units in the state of São Paulo, representing 133 employer's trade unions and 130,000 industries. [4]
The federation is located in the city of São Paulo. The São Paulo industry building is the location of the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), the Social Service of the Industry of São Paulo (SESI-SP), the National Service for Industrial Training of São Paulo (SENAI-SP), the Roberto Simonsen Institute (IRS) and the headquarters of several affiliated unions.
Skaf was elected president of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) in 2004. He was re-elected in 2007 and then in 2011 and 2017 again remaining in office until December 31, 2021. [5] [6]
In June 2014, the entrepreneur Benjamin Steinbruch, CEO of the National Steel Company (CSN) and Vicunha Group became president of FIESP, replacing Skaf, who is running for the state of São Paulo government. [7]
In July 2021, businessman Josué Gomes da Silva was elected president of CIESP and Rafael Cervone Netto 1st vice president, along with the new board for the 2022-2025 quadrennium.
During the 1924 Revolution led by general Isidoro Dias Lopes, the president of the São Paulo Commercial Association (ACSP), José Carlos de Macedo Soares, remained in São Paulo, which was being bombarded to protect the working-class neighborhoods, factories and shops. When the resistance was defeated, Macedo Soares was accused of cooperating with the revolution and was exiled. As a result, the ACSP became weaker without its president.
In 1928, a group of business owners from the São Paulo Trade Association led by Jorge Street, Francisco Matarazzo and Roberto Simonsen founded the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), a private association that supports and represents industries interests. In 1931, Matarazzo, Simonsen, Street and a group of business owners founded the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) to claim back the industries’ competitiveness in Brazil and to reduce production costs and contain the deindustrialization.
During the government of Getulio Vargas, CIESP and FIESP remained separate. After World War II, both entities returned to work together.
FIESP has 52 representative units in the state of São Paulo. The federation comprises 133 business associations and 130,000 industries, uniting sectors that make up 42% of Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). [4]
Skaf was elected president of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), the Industry Social Service (SESI-SP), the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI-SP) and the Roberto Simonsen Institute (IRS) in 2004. He was re-elected in 2007 and again in 2011. [8] [9]
FIESP has several committees, departments and councils representing different industrial sectors. Among the committees, there exists the FIESP's Young Entrepreneurs Committee (CJE), which is a group of young entrepreneurs who participate in several federation activities, keeping up with meetings of the high councils, departments and other committees. The CJE interacts with several entities to promote entrepreneurship. [10] [11]
FIESP's Cultural Action Committee (Comcultura) is a group that promotes cultural activities, access to art and culture in the community (Diversão Terra). The Social Responsibility Committee of FIESP (Cores) is a group of professionals from several sectors to guide trade unions and industries in social responsibility management, environment and human rights. [12]
FIESP's Chamber of Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration of São Paulo is engaged in administration, conciliation and arbitration mediation of business conflicts in order to decrease the number of open cases in the courts of Brazil. [13]
FIESP led the campaign for approval of the General Law of Micro and Small Enterprises and the free movement of Goods and Services on wheat flour derivatives in 2006, which led to a price reduction of items like bread and pasta in 2006. [14]
In October 2007, FIESP sent a letter to Brazilian business owners that listed the reasons why the Provisional Contribution on the Movement or Transmission of Values, Credits and Financial Nature CPMF should be extinguished. FIESP sent more than 1.3 million signatures against the CPMF to the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) of the Federal Senate of Brazil.
In December of that year, the federal senator designated the end of CPMF's taxes. [15]
Since 2008, the FIESP claimed a tax exemption on basic food products. In 2013, the federal government approved a provisional measure that reduced the Social Integration Program (PIS), Contribution to Social Security Financing (COFINS) and eliminated the industrialized products taxes on basic food products (IPI). [16]
FIESP has also campaigned for public banks to reduce, by 30%, the rate of banking spread in 2009.
In 2011, FIESP initiated the campaign 'Energy at the right price', and presented in the Audit of the Union Court requesting the government to take action regarding the country's electricity prices. The federal government then granted all Brazilians the average discount of 20% in electricity costs in 2013. [17]
In April 2013, the FIESP campaigned in the Chamber of Deputies for the approval of the Provisory Measure (MP) 595, known as the Port Law, which improves infrastructure and privatizes ports in Brazil. [18]
The Port Law was sanctioned by President Dilma Rousseff in June of that same year. [16]
In November of that year, FIESP also filed an unconstitutionality lawsuit against the law that approved an increase in the Urban Land and Building Tax (IPTU), with an average of 55% for households and 88% for businesses in the city of São Paulo. [19]
The Special Institution of the São Paulo Court of Justice suspended the property tax increase in December of that year. [20]
In June 2014, FIESP completed a partnership with the Center for Information and Coordination of Dot BR ( and developed a software for fixed broadband monitoring. This free software confirms if internet connections comply with the contracted services. [21]
In September 2015, FIESP started a campaign called Não Vou Pagar o Pato, against the increase in taxes and against the return of the CPMF. The CPMF was presented by the Dilma Rousseff government as the best way to recover the economy, shaken by the 2014 economic crisis. Later, FIESP started to use the duck as a symbol of the campaign for the impeachment process of the president in a context of political crisis, added to the economic crisis.
FIESP finances and culturally supports the Cultural Center FIESP Ruth Cardoso. The FIESP Cultural Center was founded in March 1998 and named after the anthropologist Ruth Cardoso. The space includes the SESI Theatre, the SESI-SP Art Gallery and the Mezanino Area. The Cultural Center presents theatrical performances, exhibitions, concerts, film screenings and lectures. [22]
FIESP sponsored the musical The Drunk Godmother, directed by Miguel Falabella in 2013 and 2014. [23]
The FIESP's building headquarters is one of the city's major architectural landmarks and one of the main attractions on Paulista Avenue due to its pyramid shape. The building is 325 feet high and is one of the largest buildings on the Avenue. The building was built by Rino Levi's architectural firm in 1979. In 1998, the building was redesigned by the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha to include the construction of a cultural center on the ground floor. [24]
Limeira is a city in the eastern part of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. With a population of approximately 291,869 people and covering an area of 581 square kilometers, it sits at an elevation of 588 meters. The city is situated 154 kilometers from São Paulo, the capital of the state, and 1011 kilometers from Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. Limeira is conveniently accessible from São Paulo via two highways: Rodovia Anhanguera and Rodovia dos Bandeirantes.
Paulista Avenue is one of the most important avenues in São Paulo, Brazil. It stretches 2.8 kilometres (1.7 mi) and runs northwest to southeast. Its northwest point is Praça Marechal Cordeiro de Farias at its intersection with Rua da Consolação and its southeast point is Praça Oswaldo Cruz at its intersection with Treze de Maio, Bernardino de Campos, Desembargador Eliseu Guilherme, and Dr. Rafael de Barros avenues. Major crossroads on the street are Rua Augusta, Rua Haddock Lobo and Avenida Brigadeiro Luis Antonio. Parallel to it are Cincinato Braga, Joaquim Eugenio de Lima on the Bela Vista/Paraíso side and Alameda Santos and Coronel Oscar Freire on the Jardins side. Paulista Avenue crosses sections of the neighborhoods of Paraíso, Bela Vista, Jardim Paulista, Cerqueira César and Jardim América, ending in Higienópolis.
The Estádio Cícero Pompeu de Toledo, popularly known as Estádio do Morumbi, and currently known as MorumBIS is a multipurpose 72,039-seater football stadium located in the eponymous district in São Paulo, Brazil. It is the home of São Paulo and its formal name honors Cícero Pompeu de Toledo, who was São Paulo Futebol Clube's chairman during most of the stadium construction and died before its inauguration. Morumbi is the largest privately owned stadium in Brazil. Designed by the architect João Batista Vilanova Artigas., the stadium is a monument of brazilian modernism and in 2018 was formally marked as a cultural building by São Paulo’s prefecture.
Presidente Prudente is a city (município) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The city has a population of 230,371 inhabitants (IBGE/2020) and area of 562.8 km². The city is named after president Prudente de Morais. Prudente is located 558 km from the city of São Paulo.
Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin Filho is a Brazilian physician and politician currently serving as 26th vice president of Brazil. He previously was the Governor of São Paulo for two nonconsecutive terms, the longest serving since democratization, 2001 to 2006 and 2011 to 2018.
The Republicans, formerly the Brazilian Republican Party and originally formed as the Municipalist Renewal Party, is a Brazilian political party. Its electoral number, the numerical assignment for Brazilian political parties, is 10.
Virada Cultural Paulistana is the biggest 24-hour festival in the world, that began in 2005 and occurs annually in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Events at the Virada Cultural include various live music concerts, films, plays, art exhibits, and other cultural activities and performances. In 2019, has a public expectation of 5 million people and will be the biggest edition of the festival ever held. The event will contain more than 250 event venues, and will feature more than 1200 confirmed attractions.
Serviço Social da Indústria-SP Volei Feminino (SESI-SP) is a Brazilian women's volleyball club founded on 2011 based in São Paulo, Brazil and plays in the Brazilian Superliga.
The Industry Social Service of the State of Rio de Janeiro comprehends SESI's work in Rio de Janeiro state. The institution focuses in improving work environments, quality of life and education levels of collaborators from Rio de Janeiro's enterprises. Through programs and mobile units, it carries out actions related to health, education, sports, leisure, culture, occupational health, work safety and environmental protection. These activities are aimed at workers and companies, as much as to society in general. SENAI Rio's history is parallel to the Brazilian industrial development and its designation accompanies Rio de Janeiro's changes, as when it became a capital and was renamed Guanabara state.
Events in the year 2005 in Brazil.
FIRJAN System is a network of private nonprofit organizations with more than ten thousand associates. Its mission is to promote business competitiveness, education and quality of life of industrial workers and the whole society, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. FIRJAN System consists of five institutions that work in an integrated manner for the growth of the industry of RJ. Together, FIRJAN, Industrial Center of Rio de Janeiro (CIRJ), Industry Social Service of the State of Rio de Janeiro, National Industrial Training Service of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Euvaldo Lodi Institute of Rio de Janeiro promote actions in economic, political and social levels to ensure a prominent position to the state on the national scenery. Today, all institutions act as service providers to enterprises and society.
Paulo Antônio Skaf is a Brazilian entrepreneur and politician, who previously served as President of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) and the President of the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), both industrial interest groups and corporate trade unions. Skaf primarily works in real estate and construction.
From mid-2014 onward, Brazil experienced a severe economic crisis. The country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell by 3.5% in 2015 and 3.3% in 2016, after which a small economic recovery began. That recovery continued until 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact the economy again.
Bruno Cavalcanti de Araújo is a Brazilian lawyer and politician, filiated to the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB). Was discharged from his third term as federal deputy for the state of Pernambuco to assume the Ministry of Cities, appointed by the then acting president Michel Temer.
The 2018 São Paulo gubernatorial election occurred on 7 October 2018 and 28 October 2018. Voters elected a Governor, Vice Governor, 2 Senators, 70 representatives for the Chamber of Deputies, and 94 Legislative Assembly members. The former governor, Márcio França, affiliated to the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) took office with the resignation of Geraldo Alckmin on 6 April 2018, and was eligible for a second term and ran for reelection.
Juliana Rojas is a Brazilian filmmaker and editor born in Campinas, São Paulo. She graduated in Cinema in School of Communication and Arts of University of São Paulo.
Marco Antônio Feliciano is a Brazilian politician as well as a pastor, writer, film producer, and theologian. He has spent his political career representing São Paulo, having served as federal deputy representative since 2011. A polarizing figure in Brazilian politics due to his outspoken conservative views, his election to president of the commission on human rights and minorities caused controversy and protest due to Feliciano's comments regarding Africans, LGBTQ individuals, women, Catholics, among others.
The 2021 President of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil election took place on 1 February 2021, the day after the opening day of the 3rd Session of the 56th Legislature of the National Congress.
The 2022 São Paulo state election took place in the state of São Paulo, Brazil on 2 October 2022 and 30 October 2022. Voters elected a Governor, Vice Governor, one Senator, 70 representatives for the Chamber of Deputies, and 94 Legislative Assembly members. The incumbent Governor, Rodrigo Garcia, of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), was eligible for a second term and ran for reelection.
Nabil Georges Bonduki is a Brazilian architect, urban planner, university professor, author, and politician. He holds the position of Full Professor of Urban Planning at the University of São Paulo (USP) and serves as a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
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