
Last updated
Location Mesenchyme
Latin fibrocytus
TH H2.
FMA 63879
Anatomical terms of microanatomy

A fibrocyte is an inactive mesenchymal cell, that is, a cell showing minimal cytoplasm, limited amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and lacks biochemical evidence of protein synthesis.

The term fibrocyte contrasts with the term fibroblast. Fibroblasts are activated connective tissue cells characterized by synthesis of proteins of the fibrous matrix, particularly the collagens. When tissue is injured, the predominant mesenchymal cells, the fibroblast, have been believed to be derived from the fibrocyte or possibly from smooth muscle cells lining vessels and glands. Commonly, fibroblasts express smooth muscle actin, a form of actin first found in smooth muscle cells and not found in resting fibrocytes. Fibroblasts expressing this form of actin are usually called "myo-fibroblasts."

Recently, the term "fibrocyte" has also been applied to a bloodborne cell able to leave the blood, enter tissue and become a fibroblast. As part of the more general topic of stem cell biology, a number of studies have suggested that the blood contains marrow derived cells that can differentiate into fibroblasts. These cells have been reported to express the hematopoietic cell surface markers CD34+, CD45+, as well as collagen. These cells can migrate to wound sites, suggesting a role in wound healing. There are several studies suggesting that fibrocytes mediate wound healing and fibrotic tissue repair. [1] [2] [3]

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Cellular angiofibroma (CAF) is a rare, benign tumor of superficial soft tissues that was first described by M. R. Nucci et al. in 1997. These tumors occur predominantly in the distal parts of the female and male reproductive systems, i.e. in the vulva-vaginal and inguinal-scrotal areas, respectively, or, less commonly, in various other superficial soft tissue areas throughout the body. CAF tumors develop exclusively in adults who typically are more than 30 years old.


  1. Yang L, Scott PG, Giuffre J, Shankowsky HA, Ghahary A, Tredget EE (September 2002). "Peripheral blood fibrocytes from burn patients: identification and quantification of fibrocytes in adherent cells cultured from peripheral blood mononuclear cells". Laboratory Investigation; A Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology. 82 (9): 1183–92. doi:10.1097/01.lab.0000027841.50269.61. PMID   12218079. S2CID   23057677.
  2. Schmidt M, Sun G, Stacey MA, Mori L, Mattoli S (July 2003). "Identification of circulating fibrocytes as precursors of bronchial myofibroblasts in asthma". Journal of Immunology. 171 (1): 380–9. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.171.1.380 . PMID   12817021.
  3. Moore BB, Kolodsick JE, Thannickal VJ, Cooke K, Moore TA, Hogaboam C, Wilke CA, Toews GB (March 2005). "CCR2-mediated recruitment of fibrocytes to the alveolar space after fibrotic injury". The American Journal of Pathology. 166 (3): 675–84. doi:10.1016/S0002-9440(10)62289-4. PMC   1780139 . PMID   15743780.