Order of battle on 1 August 1870:
Commander in Chief: Wilhelm I (King of Prussia)
Chief of the General Staff: General Helmuth von Moltke
Quarter-Master General: Generalleutnant Eugen Anton Theophil von Podbielski
Inspector-General of Artillery: General der Artillerie Gustav Eduard von Hindersin
Inspector-General of Engineers: Generalleutnant Franz von Kleist
Commissary-General: Generalleutnant Albrecht von Stosch
Staff Department Chiefs: Oberstleutnant Paul Bronsart von Schellendorff; Oberstleutnant Julius von Verdy du Vernois; Oberstleutnant Karl von Brandenstein
First Army
Commander: General Karl Friedrich von Steinmetz (later General von Manteuffel)
Chief of Staff: Generalmajor Oskar von Sperling
- VII Army Corps (VII. Armeekorps) (Westphalia) : General der Infanterie Heinrich von Zastrow
- 13th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Adolf von Glümer
- 25th Brigade: Generalmajor Leo Baron von der Osten-Sacken
- 1st Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 13
- Hanoverian Fusilier Regiment, No. 73
- 26th Brigade: Generalmajor Kuno Baron von der Goltz
- 2nd Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 15
- 6th Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 55
- Attached to Division
- 7th Westphalian Jäger Battalion
- 1st Westphalian Hussar Regiment, No. 8
- Five batteries (two heavy, two light, and one horse-artillery) of the 7th Field-artillery Regiment
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 7th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 7th Corps
- 14th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Georg von Kameke
- 27th Brigade : Generamajor Curt von François
- 28th Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm von Woyna
- Attached to Division
- Four batteries (two heavy and two light) of the 7th Westphalian field-artillery Regiment
- Hanoverian Hussar Regiment, No. 15
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 7th Corps, with light bridging-train
- Corps Artillery : Oberst Rudolf von Helden-Sarnowski
- Two Horse artillery, two light, and two heavy field-batteries of the 7th Field-artillery regiment
- Artillery Ammunition columns
- Infantry Ammunition columns
- Pontoon columns
- 7th Westphalian Train Battalion
- VIII Army Corps (VIII. Armeekorps) (Rhine Provinces) : General der Infanterie August Karl von Goeben
- 15th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Ludwig von Weltzien
- 29th Brigade : Generalmajor Karl Friedrich von Wedel
- 30th Brigade : Generalmajor Otto von Strubberg
- 2nd Rhine Province Infantry Regiment, No. 28
- 4th Magdeburg Infantry Regiment, No. 67
- Attached to Division
- 8th Rhine Province Jäger Battalion
- King's Hussar Regiment (1st Rhine), No. 7
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 8th Field-Artillery Regiment
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 8th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 16th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Albert von Barnekow
- 31st Brigade : Generalmajor Count Neidhardt von Gneisenau
- 3rd Rhine Province Infantry Regiment, No. 29
- 7th Rhine Province Infantry Regiment, No. 69
- 32nd Brigade : Oberst Rudolf von Rex
- Hohenzollern Fusilier Regiment, No. 40
- 4th Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 72
- Attached to Division
- 2nd Rhine Hussar Regiment, No. 9
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 8th Field-artillery Regiment
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 8th Corps, with light bridging-train
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 8th Corps
- Corps Artillery : Oberst Rudolf von Broecker
- Two batteries of horse-artillery, two heavy and two light field batteries of the 8th Field-artillery Regiment
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition columns and pontoon columns belonging to the 8th Field-artillery Regiment
- 8th Rhenish Train Battalion
- 3rd Cavalry Division : Generalleutnant Count Georg von der Gröben
- 6th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Richard von Mirus
- 7th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Siegmar Count zu Dohna-Schlobitten
- Westphalian Uhlan Regiment, No. 5
- 2nd Hanoverian Uhlan Regiment, No. 14
- One battery of horse-artillery of the 7th Westphalian Field-artillery Regiment
- I Army Corps (I. Armeekorps) (East Prussia) : General der Kavallerie Edwin Freiherr von Manteuffel [nb 1]
- 1st Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Georg Ferdinand von Bentheim
- 1st Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm von Gayl
- 2nd Brigade : Generalmajor Louis von Falkenstein
- 3rd (2nd East Prussian) Grenadier Regiment
- 43rd (6th East Prussian) Infantry Regiment
- Attached to Division
- 1st East Prussian Jäger Battalion
- 1st Lithuanian Dragoon Regiment
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 1st East Prussian Field Artillery Regiment
- 2nd Field Pioneer Company, 1st Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field Pioneer Company, 1st Corps
- 2nd Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Gustav von Pritzelwitz
- 3rd Brigade : Generalmajor Albert von Memerty
- 4th Brigade : Generamajor Karl von Zglinitzki
- 5th (4th East Prussian) Grenadier Regiment
- 45th (8th East Prussian) Infantry Regiment
- Attached to Division
- 10th East Prussian Dragoon Regiment
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 1st East Prussian Field Artillery Regiment
- 1st Field Pioneer Company, 1st Corps, with light bridging-train
- Corps-Artillery : Oberst Maximilian Jungé
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of 1st (East Prussian) Field Artillery Regiment
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns belonging to 1st Field Artillery Regiment
- 1st East Prussian Train Battalion
- 1st Cavalry Division : Generalleutnant Julius von Hartmann
- 1st Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Hermann von Lüderitz
- 2nd Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor August von Baumgarth
- One battery of horse-artillery of the 1st East Prussian Field Artillery regiment
Second Army
Commander: General der Kavallerie Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia
Chief of Staff: Oberst Gustav von Stiehle
- Guards Corps (Gardekorps) : General der Kavallerie Prince August of Württemberg
- III Army Corps (III. Armeekorps) (Brandenburg) : Generalleutnant Constantin von Alvensleben
- 5th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Ferdinand von Stülpnagel
- 9th Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm von Doering
- Leib-Grenadier Regiment (1st Brandenburg), No. 8
- 5th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 48
- 10th Brigade : Generalmajor Kurt von Schwerin
- 2nd Brandenburg Grenadier Regiment, No. 12
- 6th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 52
- Attached to Division
- Brandenburg Jäger Battalion, No. 3
- 2nd Brandenburg Dragoon Regiment, No. 12
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Brandenburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 3
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 3rd Corps
- 6th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Gustav Freiherr von Buddenbrock
- 11th Brigade : Generalmajor Louis von Rothmaler
- 3rd Brandenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 20
- Brandenburg Fusilier Regiment, No. 35
- 12th Brigade : Oberst Hugo von Bismarck
- 4th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 24
- 8th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 64
- Attached to Division
- 1st Brandenburg Dragoon Regiment, No. 2
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Brandenburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 3
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 3rd Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- Corps-Artillery: Oberst Julius von Dresky und Merzdorf
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Brandenburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 3
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 3rd Corps, with light bridging-train
- Artillery ammunition, Infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns of the Brandenburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 3
- Brandenburg Train Battalion
- IV Army Corps (IV. Armeekorps) (Saxon provinces and Anhalt) : General der Infanterie Gustav von Alvensleben
- 7th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Julius von Groß genannt von Schwarzhoff
- 13th Brigade : Generalmajor August von Borries
- 1st Magdeburg Infantry Regiment, No. 26
- 3rd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment, No. 66
- 14th Brigade : Generalmajor Franz von Zychlinski
- 2nd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment, No. 27
- Anhalt Infantry Regiment, No. 93
- Attached to Division
- Magdeburg Jäger Battalion, No. 4
- Westphalian Dragoon Regiment, No. 7
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Magdeburg Field-artillery Regiment
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 4th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 4th Corps
- 8th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Alexander von Schoeler
- 15th Brigade : Generalmajor Friedrich von Kessler
- 1st Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 31
- 3rd Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 71
- 16th Brigade : Oberst Karl von Scheffler
- Schleswig-Holstein Fusilier Regiment, No. 86
- 7th Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 96
- Attached to Division
- Thüringian Hussar Regiment, No. 12
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Magdeburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 4
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 4th Corps, with light bridge-train
- Corps-Artillery : Oberst Albert Crusius
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Magdeburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 4
- Artillery ammunition, infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns belonging to Magdeburg Field-artillery Regiment, No. 4
- Magdeburg Train Battalion, No. 4
- IX Army Corps (IX. Armeekorps) (Schleswig-Holstein and Hesse) : General der Infanterie Albrecht Gustav von Manstein
- 18th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Karl von Wrangel
- 35th Brigade : Generalmajor Heinrich von Blumenthal
- Magdeburg Fusilier Regiment, No. 36
- Schleswig Infantry Regiment, No. 84
- 36th Brigade : Generalmajor Ferdinand von Below
- 2nd Silesian Grenadier Regiment, No. 11
- Holstein Infantry Regiment, No. 85
- Attached to Division
- Lauenburg Jäger Battalion, No. 9
- Magdeburg Dragoon Regiment, No. 6
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Schleswig-Holstein Field-artillery Regiment, No. 9
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 9th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 9th Corps
- Grand Ducal Hessian (25th) Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Prince Louis of Hesse
- 49th Brigade : Generalmajor Ludwig von Wittich
- 1st Infantry Regiment (Body Guard)
- 2nd Infantry Regiment (Grand Duke's)
- 1st (Guard) Jäger Battalion
- 50th Brigade : Oberst Ludwig von Lyncker
- 3rd Infantry Regiment
- 4th Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Jäger Battalion
- (25th) Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Ludwig Baron von Schlotheim
- 1st Reiter Regiment (Guard Cheveauxlegers)
- 2nd Reiter Regiment (Leib Chevauxlegers)
- One battery of horse-artillery, five field-batteries (two heavy, three light)
- Pioneer company with light field bridge-train
- Corps-Artillery : Oberst Hans Karl Wilhelm von Jagemann
- One horse artillery battery, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Schleswig-Holstein Field-artillery Regiment, No. 9
- X Army Corps (X. Armeekorps) (Hanover, Oldenburg and Brunswick) : General der Infanterie Konstantin Bernhard von Voigts-Rhetz
- 19th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Emil von Schwartzkoppen
- 37th Brigade : Oberst Peter von Lehmann
- East Frisian Infantry Regiment, No. 78
- Oldenburg Infantry Regiment, No. 91
- 38th Brigade : Generalmajor Georg von Wedell
- 3rd Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 16
- 8th Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 57
- Attached to Division
- 1st Hanoverian Dragoon Regiment, No. 9
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Hanoverian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 10
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 10th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 10th Corps
- 20th Infantry Division : Generalmajor Alexander von Kraatz-Koschlau
- 39th Brigade : Generalmajor Emil von Woyna
- 7th Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 56
- 3rd Hanoverian Infantry Regiment, No. 79
- 40th Brigade : Generalmajor Karl von Diringshofen
- 4th Westphalian Infantry Regiment, No. 17
- Brunswick Infantry Regiment, No. 92
- Attached to Division
- Hanoverian Jäger Battalion, No. 10
- 2nd Hanoverian Dragoon Regiment, No. 16
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Hanoverian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 10
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 10th Corps, with light bridge-train
- Corps Artillery : Oberst Moritz Baron von der Goltz
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of Hanoverian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 10
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition columns belonging to Hanoverian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 10
- Hanoverian Train Battalion, No. 10
- XII. (Royal Saxon) Army Corps (XII. (Kgl. Sächs.) Armeekorps) : Crown Prince Albert of Saxony
- 23rd (Royal Saxon) Infantry Division : Generalleutnant H.R.H. Prince George of Saxony, afterwards Generalmajor von Montbé
- 1st Brigade, No. 45 : Generalmajor Ernst von Craushaar
- 1st (Leib) Grenadier Regiment, No. 100
- 2nd (King William of Prussia) Grenadier Regiment, No. 101
- Rifle (Fusilier) Regiment, No. 108
- 2nd Brigade, No. 46 : Oberst Alban von Montbé
- 3rd Infantry Regiment (Crown Prince's), No. 102
- 4th Infantry Regiment No. 103
- Attached to Division
- 1st Reiter Regiment (Crown Prince's)
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 12th Field-artillery Regiment
- 2nd Company of 12th Pioneer Battalion with entrenching tool-column
- 4th Company of 12th Pioneer Battalion
- 24th (Royal Saxon) Infantry Division : Generalmajor Gustav Erwin Nehrhoff von Holderberg
- 3rd Brigade, No. 47: Generalmajor August Emil Tauscher
- 5th Infantry Regiment (Prince Frederic August's), No. 104
- 6th Infantry Regiment, No. 105
- 1st Jäger Battalion (Crown Prince's), No. 12
- 4th Brigade, No. 48 : Oberst Julius von Schulz
- 7th Infantry Regiment (Prince George's), No. 106
- 8th Infantry Regiment, No. 107
- 2nd Jäger Battalion, No. 13
- Attached to Division
- 2nd Reiter Regiment
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of 12th Field-artillery Regiment
- 3rd company of 12th Pioneer Battalion with light bridge-train
- 12th Cavalry Division : Generalmajor Franz Count of Lippe
- 1st Cavalry Brigade, No. 23 : Generalmajor Karl Krug von Nidda
- Guard Reiter Regiment
- 1st Uhlan Regiment, No. 17
- 2nd Cavalry Brigade, No. 24 : Generalmajor Hugo Senfft von Pilsach
- 3rd Reiter Regiment
- 2nd Uhlan Regiment, No. 18
- Attached to Division
- One battery of horse-artillery of 12th Field-artillery Regiment
- Corps Artillery : Oberst Bernhard Oskar von Funcke
- One horse artillery battery, three light field batteries, three heavy field batteries of the 12th Field Artillery Regiment
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns of the 12th Field-artillery Regiment
- 12th Train Battalion
- 5th Cavalry Division : Generalleutnant Albert Baron von Rheinbaben
- 11th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Adalbert von Barby
- 12th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Adalbert von Bredow
- 13th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Hermann von Redern
- Attached to Division
- Two batteries horse-artillery
- 6th Cavalry Division : Generalleutnant H.S.H. Duke William of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- 14th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Otto Baron von Diepenbroick-Grüter
- 15th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Gustav Waldemar von Rauch
- Attached to Division
- One battery of horse-artillery
- II Army Corps (II. Armeekorps) (Pomerania) : General der Infanterie Eduard von Fransecky [nb 2]
- 3rd Infantry Division : Generalmajor Ernst von Hartmann
- 5th Brigade : Generalmajor Heinrich von Koblinski
- Grenadier Regiment King Frederic William IV. (1st Pomeranian), No. 2
- 5th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 42
- 6th Brigade : Oberst Eberhard von der Decken
- 3rd Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 14
- 7th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 54
- Attached to Division
- Pomeranian Jäger Battalion, No. 2
- Neumark Dragoon Regiment, No. 3
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the 2nd Pomeranian Field-artillery Regiment
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 2nd Corps, with light bridge-train
- 4th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Hann von Weyhern
- 7th Brigade : Generalmajor Albert von Trossel
- Colberg Grenadier Regiment (2nd Pomeranian), No. 9
- 6th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 49
- 8th Brigade : Generalmajor Karl von Kettler
- 4th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 21
- 8th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment, No. 61
- Attached to Division
- Pomeranian Dragoon Regiment, No. 11
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Pomeranian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 2
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 2nd Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 2nd Corps
- Corps Artillery : Oberst Wilhelm Petzel
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Pomeranian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 2
- Artillery and infantry ammunition and pontoon columns of Pomeranian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 2
- Pomeranian Train Battalion, No. 2
Third Army
Commander: Crown Prince of Prussia
Chief of Staff: Generalleutnant Leonhard von Blumenthal
- V Army Corps (V. Armeekorps) (Posen and Liegnitz) : Generalleutnant Hugo von Kirchbach
- 9th Infantry Division : Generalmajor Karl Gustav von Sandrart
- 17th Brigade : Oberst Alfred von Bothmer
- 3rd Posen Infantry Regiment, No. 58
- 4th Posen Infantry Regiment, No. 59
- 18th Brigade : Generalmajor William von Voigts-Rhetz
- King's Grenadier Regiment (2nd West Prussian), No. 7
- 2nd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 47
- Attached to Division:
- 1st Silesian Jäger Battalion, No. 5
- 1st Silesian Dragoon Regiment, No 4
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Lower Silesian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 5
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 5th Corps, with light bridge-train
- 10th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Christoph von Schmidt
- 19th Brigade : Oberst Otto von Henning auf Schönhoff
- 1st West Prussian Grenadier Regiment, No. 6
- 1st Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 46
- 20th Brigade : Generalmajor Rudolf Walther von Montbary
- Westphalian Fusilier Regiment, No. 37
- 3rd Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 50
- Attached to Division:
- Kurmark Dragoon Regiment, No. 14
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Field-artillery Regiment, No. 5
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 5th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 5th Corps
- Corps-Artillery : Oberstleutnant Gustav Köhler
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Lower Silesian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 5
- Artillery and infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns of Field-artillery Regiment, No. 5
- Lower Silesian Train Battalion, No. 5
- XI Army Corps (XI. Armeekorps) (Hesse, Nassau, Saxe-Weimar etc.) : Generalleutnant Julius von Bose
- 21st Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Hans von Schachtmeyer
- 41st Brigade : Oberst Hermann von Koblinski
- Hessian Fusilier Regiment, No. 80
- 1st Nassau Infantry Regiment, No. 87
- 42nd Brigade : Generalmajor Hugo von Thiele
- 2nd Hessian Infantry Regiment, No. 82
- 2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment, No. 88
- Attached to Division:
- Hessian Jäger Battalion, No. 11
- 2nd Hessian Hussar Regiment, No. 14
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Hessian Field-artillery Regiment No. 11
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 11th Corps, with light bridge-train
- 22nd Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Hermann von Gersdorff
- 43rd Brigade : Oberst Hermann von Kontzki
- 2nd Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 32
- 6th Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 95
- 44th Brigade : Generalmajor Bernhard von Schkopp
- 3rd Hessian Infantry Regiment, No. 83
- 5th Thüringian Infantry Regiment, No. 94
- Attached to Division:
- 1st Hessian Hussar Regiment, No. 13
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of Hessian Field-artillery Regiment
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 11th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 11th Corps
- Corps-Artillery : Oberst Hermann von Oppeln-Bronikowski
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of Hessian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 11
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns of 11th Field-artillery Regiment
- Hessian Train Battalion, No. 11
- I Royal Bavarian Corps (Kgl. Bayer. I. Korps) : General der Infanterie Ludwig Freiherr von der Tann
- 1st Royal Bavarian Division : Generalleutnant Baptist von Stephan
- 1st Brigade : Generalmajor Karl Dietl
- 2nd Brigade : Generalmajor Karl von Orff
- 2nd Infantry Regiment (Crown Prince's)
- Two battalions of 11th Infantry Regiment (v. d. Tann)
- 4th Jäger Battalion
- Attached to Division:
- 9th Jäger Battalion
- 3rd Chevauxlegers Regiment (Duke Maximilian's)
- Two 4-pounder and two 6-pounder batteries
- 2nd Royal Bavarian Division : Generalleutnant Karl Count Pappenheim
- 3rd Brigade : Generalmajor Ignaz Schumacher
- 3rd Infantry Regiment (Prince Charles of Bavaria)
- Two battalions of 12th Infantry Regiment (Queen Amalie of Greece)
- 1st Jäger Battalion
- 4th Brigade : Generalmajor Rudolph Baron von der Tann-Rathsamhausen
- 10th Infantry Regiment (Prince Louis)
- Two battalions of 13th Infantry Regiment (Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria)
- 7th Jäger Battalion
- Attached to Division:
- Cuirassier Brigade : Generalmajor Johann Baptist von Tausch
- Brigade of Reserve-Artillery : Oberst Heinrich Bronzetti
- 1st Division. Two 6-pounder, one 4-pounder battery
- 2nd Division. Two 6-pounder batteries
- 3rd Division. Two 6-pounder batteries
- 1st Field-Engineer Division
- II Royal Bavarian Corps (Kgl. Bayer. II. Korps) : General der Infanterie Jakob von Hartmann
- 3rd Royal Bavarian Division : Generalleutnant Friedrich Wilhelm Walther von Walderstötten
- 5th Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm von Schleich
- 6th Infantry Regiment (King William of Prussia)
- Two battalions of 7th Infantry Regiment (Hohenhausen)
- 8th Jäger Battalion
- 6th Brigade : Oberst Börries von Wissell
- Two battalions of 14th Infantry Regiment (Hartmann)
- 15th Infantry Regiment (King John of Saxony)
- 3rd Jäger Battalion
- Attached to Division:
- 4th Royal Bavarian Division : Generallleutnant Friedrich Count von Bothmer
- 7th Brigade : Generalmajor Heinrich Ritter von Thiereck
- Two battalions of 5th Infantry Regiments (Grand Duke of Hesse)
- 9th Infantry Regiment (Werde)
- 6th Jäger Battalion
- 8th Brigade : Generalmajor Joseph Maillinger
- 3rd battalion of 1st Infantry Regiment
- 3rd battalion of 5th Infantry Regiment
- 1st battalion of 7th Infantry Regiment
- 3rd battalion of 11th Infantry Regiment
- 3rd battalion of 14th Infantry Regiment
- 5th Jäger Battalion
- Attached to Division:
- Uhlan Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm Baron von Mulzer
- Brigade of Reserve Artillery : Oberst Johann von Pillement
- 1st Division: One 4-pounder horse-artillery battery, two 6-pounder field batteries
- 2nd Division: Two 6-pounder field batteries
- 3rd Division: Two 6-pounder field batteries
- 2nd Field-Engineer Division
- Combined Württemberg-Baden Corps (Kombiniertes Württembergisch-Badisches Korps)
- Württemberg Field Division : Generallleutnant Hugo von Obernitz
- 1st Infantry Brigade : Generalmajor Karl Bernhard von Reitzenstein
- 1st Infantry Regiment (Queen Olga) (two battalions)
- 7th Infantry Regiment (two battalions)
- 2nd Jäger Battalion
- 2nd Infantry Brigade : Generalmajor Adolf von Starkloff
- 2nd Infantry Regiment (two battalions)
- 5th Infantry Regiment (King Charles's battalion)
- 3rd Jäger Battalion
- 3rd Infantry Brigade : Generalmajor Adolf Baron von Hügel
- 3rd Infantry Regiment (two battalions)
- 8th Infantry Regiment (two battalions)
- 1st Jäger Rattalion
- Cavalry Division (Reiter-Division) : Generalmajor Friedrich Count von Scheler
- 1st Reiter Regiment (King Charles) (four squadrons)
- 2nd Reiter Regiment (King William) (two squadrons)
- 4th Reiter Regiment (Queen Olga) (four squadrons)
- 1st Field-artillery Division:
- Two 4-pounder and one 6-pounder batteries
- 2nd Field-artillery Division
- Two 4-pounder and one 6-pounder batteries
- 3rd Field-artillery Division
- Two 4-pounder and one 6-pounder batteries
- Baden Field Division : Generalleutnant Gustav von Beyer
- 1st Infantry Brigade : Generalleutnant Karl du Jarrys von La Roche
- 1st Leib Grenadier Regiment
- Fusilier battalion of 4th Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Grenadier Regiment (King of Prussia)
- Combined (3rd) Infantry Brigade : Generalmajor Adolf Keller
- 3rd Infantry Regiment
- 5th Infantry Regiment
- Attached to Division:
- 3rd Dragoon Regiment (Prince Charles)
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light)
- Company of pontooners with light bridge-train and entrenching tool-column
- Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Udo Baron von La Roche-Starkenfels
- 1st Leib Dragoon Regiment
- 2nd Dragoon Regiment (Margrave Maximilian)
- One battery of horse-artillery
- Corps-Artillery
- Two heavy and two light field batteries
- 4th Cavalry Division : General der Kavallerie H.R.H. Prince Albert of Prussia
- 8th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Hiob von Hontheim
- 9th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Otto von Bernhardi
- West Prussian Uhlan Regiment, No. 1
- Thüringian Uhlan Regiment, No. 6
- 10th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Rudolf von Krosigk
- 2nd Leib Hussar Regiment, No. 2
- Rhine Province Dragoon Regiment, No. 5
- Two batteries of horse-artillery
- VI Army Corps (VI. Armeekorps) (Silesia) : General der Kavallerie Wilhelm von Tümpling [nb 3]
- 11th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Helmuth von Gordon
- 21st Brigade : Generalmajor Wilhelm von Malachowski und Griffa
- 1st Silesian Grenadier Regiment, No. 10
- 1st Posen Infantry Regiment, No. 18
- 22nd Brigade : Generalmajor Alexander von Eckartsberg
- Silesian Fusilier Regiment, No. 38
- 4th Lower Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 51
- Attached to Division:
- 2nd Silesian Jäger Battalion, No. 6
- 2nd Silesian Dragoon Regiment, No. 8
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Silesian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 6
- 3rd Field-pioneer Company, 6th Corps
- 12th Infantry Division : Generalleutnant Otto von Hoffmann
- 23rd Brigade : Generalmajor William Hounsell von Gündell
- 1st Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 22
- 3rd Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 62
- 24th Brigade: Generalmajor Hermann von Fabeck
- 2nd Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 23
- 4th Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment, No. 63
- Attached to Division:
- 3rd Silesian Dragoon Regiment, No. 15
- Four batteries (two heavy, two light) of the Silesian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 6
- 1st Field-pioneer Company, 6th Corps, with light bridge-train
- 2nd Field-pioneer Company, 6th Corps, with entrenching tool-column
- Corps-Artillery: Oberst Karl Arnold
- Two horse artillery batteries, two light field batteries, two heavy field batteries of the Silesian Field-artillery Regiment, No. 6
- Artillery and Infantry ammunition, and pontoon columns of Silesian Field-artillery Regiment
- Silesian Train Battalion, No. 6
- 2nd Cavalry Division : Generalleutnant Wilhelm Count of Stolberg-Wernigerode
- 3rd Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Enno von Colomb
- 4th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Gustav Baron von Barnekow
- 1st Leib Hussar Regiment, No. 1
- Pomeranian Hussar Regiment (Blucher's Hussars), No. 5
- 5th Cavalry Brigade : Generalmajor Friedrich von Baumbach
- 1st Silesian Hussar Regiment, No. 4
- 2nd Silesian Hussar Regiment, No. 6
- Two batteries of horse-artillery
- General Command over mobile troops in the I, II, IX, and X Corps Areas
- 17th Infantry Division
- Guard Landwehr Infantry Division
- 1st Guard Landwehr Brigade
- 1st Guard Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Guard Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Guard Landwehr Brigade
- 1st Guard Grenadier Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Guard Grenadier Landwehr Regiment
- 1st Landwehr Division
- 1st Pomeranian Landwehr Brigade
- 1st Combined Pomeranian Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Combined Pomeranian Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Pomeranian Landwehr Brigade
- 3rd Combined Pomeranian Landwehr Regiment
- 4th Combined Pomeranian Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd (Brandenburg) Landwehr Division
- 1st Brandenburg Landwehr Brigade
- 1st Combined Brandenburg Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Combined Brandenburg Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Brandenburg Landwehr Brigade
- 3rd Combined Brandenburg Landwehr Regiment
- 4th Combined Brandenburg Landwehr Regiment
- 3rd Combined Landwehr Division
- West Prussian Landwehr Brigade
- West Prussian Combined Landwehr Regiment
- Lower Silesian Combined Landwehr Regiment
- Posen Landwehr Brigade
- 1st Combined Posen Landwehr Regiment
- 2nd Combined Posen Landwehr Regiment
- 16 Landwehr Cavalry Regiments
- Reserve Foot Battalions of the Guard and 11 Line Artillery Regiments
Though not a belligerent in the conflict, the Belgian army was mobilized and placed on readiness at the country's borders in fear of a preemptive attack by either party through the neutral territory during the Franco-Prussian War. (See Belgium and the Franco-Prussian War).
Commander-in-Chief: King Leopold II
Chief of Staff: Lieutenant General Bruno Renard
Minister of War: Major General Henri Guillaume
Army of Observation
The Army of Observation (Armée d'Observation) numbered approximately 55,000 men. Its role was to defend the country's borders.
Commander: Lieutenant-General Baron Félix Chazal
Chief of Staff: Colonel Monoyer
- 1st Army Corps (Ier corps d'armée)
- Commanded by Lieutenant-General Sapin
- 2nd Army Corps (IIe corps d'armée)
- Artillery
- Reserve Cavalry
- Auxiliary units (Railway, logistics, telegraphic etc.)
Army of Antwerp
The Army of Antwerp (Armée d'Anvers), based in the "National Redoubt" fortress in Antwerp, numbered approximately 15,000. It was a defensive force, designed to hold the city of Antwerp alone. Approximately 8,000 additional men served as guards at other fortresses around the country, including Liège.
Commander: Lieutenant-General Alexis-Michel Eenens
Chief of Staff: Colonel Henri Alexis Brialmont
This is the complete order of battle of the French and Third Coalition armies during the Battle of Austerlitz.

This is the order of battle for both the Russian and German armies at the Battle of Tannenberg, August 17 to September 2, 1914.

The Battle of Wartenburg took place on 3 October 1813 between the French IV Corps commanded by General Henri Gatien Bertrand and the Allied Army of Silesia, principally the I Corps of General Ludwig von Yorck. The battle allowed the Army of Silesia to cross the Elbe, ultimately leading to the Battle of Leipzig.
The following units of the German First Army and British Expeditionary Force fought in the Battle of Mons in World War I.
This is the German Army order of battle on the outbreak of World War I in August 1914.
In the Battle of Jemappes on 6 November 1792, a French army led by Charles François Dumouriez attacked and defeated an Austrian army commanded by Albert of Saxe-Teschen. Though the Austrians were outnumbered three-to-one, the victory greatly encouraged the population of the young First French Republic and lead to the evacuation of Austrian forces from the Austrian Netherlands. Note: all units have their names as they are translated in English.

The Battle of Abensberg was fought on 20 April 1809, between a French-led force under the command of Napoleon on one side and three Austrian corps led by Johann von Hiller, Archduke Louis of Austria, and Michael von Kienmayer on the other. The Austrians formed the left wing of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen's main army and were under the overall command of Hiller. Napoleon's French troops, reinforced by troops from the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Kingdom of Württemberg outfought their opponents, inflicted heavy losses, and forced the Austrians to retreat to the southeast.

The Battle of Neumarkt-Sankt Veit on 24 April 1809 saw a Franco-Bavarian force led by Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bessières face an Austrian Empire army commanded by Johann von Hiller. Hiller's numerically superior force won a victory over the Allied troops, forcing Bessières to retreat to the west. Neumarkt-Sankt Veit is located ten kilometers north of Mühldorf and 33 kilometers southeast of Landshut in Bavaria.
The Battle of Sacile saw the Franco-Italian Army of Italy commanded by Eugène de Beauharnais face the Archduke John of Austria's Army of Inner Austria during the War of the Fifth Coalition. Believing that he was only opposed by the Austrian VIII Armeekorps, Eugène launched his right wing in a heavy attack against it. In the morning, the Austrians successfully held off Franco-Italian assaults on their left flank as Eugène reinforced the attack with troops from his left wing. Later in the day, John counterattacked Eugène's weakened left wing with the IX Armeekorps, forcing the Franco-Italian army to withdraw from the battlefield. The battle at Sacile was preceded by the action of Pordenone on 15 April in which the Austrian advance guard mauled the French rear guard. The Austrian victory compelled Eugène to retreat to the Adige River at Verona where he gathered reinforcements and planned a counteroffensive.
The following units of the British, French and German Empires fought in the First Battle of the Marne from 5–12 September 1914 on the Western Front of World War I.
The Hanau order of battle shows the forces engaged at the 1813 battle of Hanau, during the War of the Sixth Coalition, when a French force under Emperor of the French Napoleon I defeated a vastly superior Austro-Bavarian force commanded by General Karl Philipp von Wrede.

The order of battle at the Battle of Jena–Auerstedt is listed below. The order of battle includes units from the First French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia that fought each other in the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October 1806. The order of battle may be useful to trace the battles of Schleiz and Saalfeld, which occurred before Jena-Auerstedt, as well as battles and capitulations that happened after 14 October, such as Erfurt, Halle, Prenzlau, Pasewalk, Stettin, Waren-Nossentin, and Lübeck.

The Army of Châlons was a French military formation that fought during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Formed in the camp of Châlons on August 17, 1870, from elements of the Army of the Rhine which the formation was issued from, the Army of Châlons was engaged in combats of Beaumont and Sedan while disappearing during the capitulation of September 2, 1870.
The Piave River 1809 order of battle shows the units and organization for the Franco-Italian and Austrian Empire armies that fought in the Battle of Piave River on 8 May 1809. Eugène de Beauharnais, the viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy defeated Archduke John of Austria. Eugène's Advance Guard crossed the river first and was assailed by Austrian cavalry and artillery. The French cavalry routed the opposing cavalry and captured 14 enemy guns. A lull followed as John arranged his infantry in a formidable defensive position. Meanwhile, Eugène struggled to pour reinforcements into the bridgehead as the Piave rose dangerously. In the afternoon, the viceroy sent Paul Grenier to drive back the Austrian left while Jacques MacDonald mounted an assault on the center. The attack succeeded in breaking the Austrian line and compelling John to order a retreat.
The VII Corps of the Grande Armée was a French military unit that existed during the Napoleonic Wars. It was formed in 1805 and assigned to Marshal Pierre Augereau. From 1805 to 1807, Augereau led the VII Corps in the War of the Third Coalition and the War of the Fourth Coalition. It was disbanded after being nearly wiped out at the Battle of Eylau in February 1807 and its surviving troops were distributed to other corps.
The VIII Corps of the Grande Armée was a French military unit that existed during the Napoleonic Wars. Emperor Napoleon I formed it in 1805 by borrowing divisions from other corps and assigned it to Marshal Édouard Mortier. Marshal André Masséna's Army of Italy was also reorganized as the VIII Corps at the end of the 1805 campaign. The corps was reformed for the 1806 campaign under Mortier and spent the rest of the year mopping up Prussian garrisons in western Germany.
The Battle of Courtrai saw Johann von Thielmann's Kingdom of Saxony troops and a few Prussians encounter an Imperial French force under Nicolas Joseph Maison near Kortrijk (Courtrai), a city south-west of Ghent in what is now Belgium. Thielmann attacked only to find himself facing the bulk of Maison's I Corps. The action ended in a rout of the Saxons, most of whom were under fire for the first time.

The Army of the Rhine was a French military unit that fought in the Franco-Prussian War. It was created after the declaration of war on July 18 1870.
This is a list of the order of battle for the Dano-Swedish War (1813–1814) between the Sixth coalition and Denmark–Norway and France, between 1813–1814.