Frank Garvan

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Francis G. Garvan (born March 9, 1955) is an Australian-born mathematician who specializes in number theory and combinatorics. He holds the position Professor of Mathematics at the University of Florida. [1] He received his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University (January, 1986) with George E. Andrews as his thesis advisor. [2] Garvan's thesis, Generalizations of Dyson's rank, concerned the rank of a partition [3] and formed the groundwork for several of his later papers. [4]

Garvan is well-known for his work in the fields of q-series and integer partitions. Most famously, in 1988, Garvan and Andrews discovered a definition of the crank of a partition. [5] The crank of a partition is an elusive combinatorial statistic similar to the rank of a partition which provides a key to the study of Ramanujan congruences in partition theory. It was first described by Freeman Dyson in a paper on ranks for the journal Eureka in 1944. [6] Andrews and Garvan's definition was the first definition of a crank to satisfy the properties hypothesized for it in Dyson's paper.

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In number theory, the crank of a partition of an integer is a certain integer associated with the partition. The term was first introduced without a definition by Freeman Dyson in a 1944 paper published in Eureka, a journal published by the Mathematics Society of Cambridge University. Dyson then gave a list of properties this yet-to-be-defined quantity should have. In 1988, George E. Andrews and Frank Garvan discovered a definition for the crank satisfying the properties hypothesized for it by Dyson.


  1. "CURRICULUM VITAE: Francis G. Garvan" (PDF). 18 July 2016. Retrieved 7 April 2019.
  2. "George Andrews' Students". Retrieved 7 April 2019.
  3. Garvan, Francis G. (May 1986). "1". Generalizations of Dyson's rank (Thesis). Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  4. Garvan, Francis G. "Frank Garvan: List of Publications" . Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  5. Askey, Richard (1999). "The work of George Andrews: a Madison perspective" (PDF). Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. 42: Art. B42b, 24pp. MR   1701581.
  6. Dyson, Freeman J. (1944). "Some Guesses in The Theory of Partitions". Eureka (Cambridge). 8: 10–15. ISBN   9780821805619.