GCD matrix

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In mathematics, a greatest common divisor matrix (sometimes abbreviated as GCD matrix) is a matrix that may also be referred to as Smith's matrix. The study was initiated by H.J.S. Smith (1875). A new inspiration was begun from the paper of Bourque & Ligh (1992). This led to intensive investigations on singularity and divisibility of GCD type matrices. A brief review of papers on GCD type matrices before that time is presented in Haukkanen, Wang & Sillanpää (1997).



111111111 1
121212121 2
113113113 1
121412141 2
111151111 5
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111111711 1
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113113119 1
GCD matrix of (1,2,3,...,10)

Let be a list of positive integers. Then the matrix having the greatest common divisor as its entry is referred to as the GCD matrix on .The LCM matrix is defined analogously. [1] [2]

The study of GCD type matrices originates from Smith (1875) who evaluated the determinant of certain GCD and LCM matrices. Smith showed among others that the determinant of the matrix is , where is Euler's totient function. [3]

Bourque–Ligh conjecture

Bourque & Ligh (1992) conjectured that the LCM matrix on a GCD-closed set is nonsingular. [1] This conjecture was shown to be false by Haukkanen, Wang & Sillanpää (1997) and subsequently by Hong (1999). [4] [2] A lattice-theoretic approach is provided by Korkee, Mattila & Haukkanen (2019). [5]

The counterexample presented in Haukkanen, Wang & Sillanpää (1997) is and that in Hong (1999) is A counterexample consisting of odd numbers is . Its Hasse diagram is presented on the right below.

The cube-type structures of these sets with respect to the divisibility relation are explained in Korkee, Mattila & Haukkanen (2019).

The Hasse diagram of an odd GCD closed set whose LCM matrix is singular Counterexample.png
The Hasse diagram of an odd GCD closed set whose LCM matrix is singular


Let be a factor closed set. Then the GCD matrix divides the LCM matrix in the ring of matrices over the integers, that is there is an integral matrix such that , see Bourque & Ligh (1992). Since the matrices and are symmetric, we have . Thus, divisibility from the right coincides with that from the left. We may thus use the term divisibility.

There is in the literature a large number of generalizations and analogues of this basic divisibility result.

Matrix norms

Some results on matrix norms of GCD type matrices are presented in the literature. Two basic results concern the asymptotic behaviour of the norm of the GCD and LCM matrix on . [6]

Given , the norm of an matrix is defined as

Let . If , then


and for and . Further, if , then



Let be an arithmetical function, and let be a set of distinct positive integers. Then the matrix is referred to as the GCD matrix on associated with . The LCM matrix on associated with is defined analogously. One may also use the notations and .

Let be a GCD-closed set. Then

where is the matrix defined by

and is the diagonal matrix, whose diagonal elements are

Here is the Dirichlet convolution and is the Möbius function.

Further, if is a multiplicative function and always nonzero, then

where and are the diagonal matrices, whose diagonal elements are and

If is factor-closed, then and . [6]

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  1. 1 2 Bourque, K.; Ligh, S. (1992). "On GCD and LCM matrices". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 174: 65–74. doi: 10.1016/0024-3795(92)90042-9 .
  2. 1 2 Hong, S. (1999). "On the Bourque–Ligh conjecture of least common multiple matrices". Journal of Algebra. 218: 216–228. doi: 10.1006/jabr.1998.7844 .
  3. Smith, H. J. S. (1875). "On the value of a certain arithmetical determinant". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 1: 208–213. doi:10.1112/plms/s1-7.1.208.
  4. Haukkanen, P.; Wang, J.; Sillanpää, J. (1997). "On Smith's determinant". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 258: 251–269. doi: 10.1016/S0024-3795(96)00192-9 .
  5. Korkee, I.; Mattila, M.; Haukkanen, P. (2019). "A lattice-theoretic approach to the Bourque–Ligh conjecture". Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 67 (12): 2471–2487. arXiv: 1403.5428 . doi:10.1080/03081087.2018.1494695. S2CID   117112282.
  6. 1 2 Haukkanen, P.; Toth, L. (2018). "Inertia, positive definiteness and ℓp norm of GCD and LCM matrices and their unitary analogs". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 558: 1–24. doi: 10.1016/j.laa.2018.08.022 .