Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation inequality

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In mathematics, and in particular in mathematical analysis, the Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation inequality is a result in the theory of Sobolev spaces that relates the -norms of different weak derivatives of a function through an interpolation inequality. The theorem is of particular importance in the framework of elliptic partial differential equations and was originally formulated by Emilio Gagliardo and Louis Nirenberg in 1958. The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality has found numerous applications in the investigation of nonlinear partial differential equations, and has been generalized to fractional Sobolev spaces by Haim Brezis and Petru Mironescu in the late 2010s.



The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality was originally proposed by Emilio Gagliardo and Louis Nirenberg in two independent contributions during the International Congress of Mathematicians held in Edinburgh from August 14, 1958 through August 21, 1958. [1] [2] In the following year, both authors improved their results and published them independently. [3] [4] [5] Nonetheless, a complete proof of the inequality went missing in the literature for a long time. Indeed, to some extent, both original works of Gagliardo and Nirenberg do not contain a full and rigorous argument proving the result. For example, Nirenberg firstly included the inequality in a collection of lectures given in Pisa from September 1 to September 10, 1958. The transcription of the lectures was later published in 1959, and the author explicitly states only the main steps of the proof. [5] On the other hand, the proof of Gagliardo did not yield the result in full generality, i.e. for all possible values of the parameters appearing in the statement. [6] A detailed proof in the whole Euclidean space was published in 2021. [6]

From its original formulation, several mathematicians worked on proving and generalizing Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequalities. The Italian mathematician Carlo Miranda developed a first generalization in 1963, [7] which was addressed and refined by Nirenberg later in 1966. [8] The investigation of Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequalities continued in the following decades. For instance, a careful study on negative exponents has been carried out extending the work of Nirenberg in 2018, [9] while Brezis and Mironescu characterized in full generality the embeddings between Sobolev spaces extending the inequality to fractional orders. [10] [11]

Statement of the inequality

For any extended real (i.e. possibly infinite) positive quantity and any integer , let denote the usual spaces, while denotes the Sobolev space consisting of all real-valued functions in such that all their weak derivatives up to order are also in . Both families of spaces are intended to be endowed with their standard norms, namely: [12] where stands for essential supremum. Above, for the sake of convenience, the same notation is used for scalar, vector and tensor-valued Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces.

The original version of the theorem, for functions defined on the whole Euclidean space , can be stated as follows.

Theorem [13]  (Gagliardo-Nirenberg)  Let be a positive extended real quantity. Let and be non-negative integers such that . Furthermore, let be a positive extended real quantity, be real and such that the relations hold. Then, for any such that , with two exceptional cases:

  1. if (with the understanding that ), and , then an additional assumption is needed: either tends to 0 at infinity, or for some finite value of ;
  2. if and is a non-negative integer, then the additional assumption (notice the strict inequality) is needed.

In any case, the constant depends on the parameters , but not on .

Notice that the parameter is determined uniquely by all the other ones and usually assumed to be finite. [8] However, there are sharper formulations in which is considered (but other values may be excluded, for example ). [9]

Relevant corollaries of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality

The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality generalizes a collection of well-known results in the field of functional analysis. Indeed, given a suitable choice of the seven parameters appearing in the statement of the theorem, one obtains several useful and recurring inequalities in the theory of partial differential equations:

Proof of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality

A complete and detailed proof of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality has been missing in literature for a long time since its first statements. Indeed, both original works of Gagliardo and Nirenberg lacked some details, or even presented only the main steps of the proof. [6]

The most delicate point concerns the limiting case . In order to avoid the two exceptional cases, we further assume that is finite and that , so in particular . The core of the proof is based on two proofs by induction.

Sketch of the proof of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality [6]

Throughout the proof, given and , we shall assume that . A double induction argument is applied to the couple of integers , representing the orders of differentiation. The other parameters are constructed in such a way that they comply with the hypotheses of the theorem. As base case, we assume that the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality holds for and (hence ). Here, in order for the inequality to hold, the remaining parameters should satisfy The first induction step goes as follows. Assume the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality holds for some strictly greater than and (hence ). We are going to prove that it also holds for and (with ). To this end, the remaining parameters necessarily satisfy Fix them as such. Then, let be such that From the base case, we can infer that Now, from the two relations between the parameters, through some algebraic manipulations we arrive at therefore the inequality with applied to implies The two inequalities imply the sought Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality, namely The second induction step is similar, but allows to change. Assume the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality holds for some pair with (hence ). It is enough to prove that it also holds for and (with ). Again, fix the parameters in such a way that and let be such that The inequality with and applied to entails Since, by the first induction step, we can assume the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality holds with and , we get The proof is completed by combining the two inequalities. In order to prove the base case, several technical lemmas are necessary, while the remaining values of can be recovered by interpolation and a proof can be found, for instance, in the original work of Nirenberg. [5]

The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality in bounded domains

In many problems coming from the theory of partial differential equations, one has to deal with functions whose domain is not the whole Euclidean space , but rather some given bounded, open and connected set In the following, we also assume that has finite Lebesgue measure and satisfies the cone condition (among those are the widely used Lipschitz domains). Both Gagliardo and Nirenberg found out that their theorem could be extended to this case adding a penalization term to the right hand side. Precisely,

Theorem [17]  (Gagliardo-Nirenberg in bounded domains)  Let be a measurable, bounded, open and connected domain satisfying the cone condition. Let be a positive extended real quantity. Let and be non-negative integers such that . Furthermore, let be a positive extended real quantity, be real and such that the relations hold. Then, where such that and is arbitrary, with one exceptional case:

  1. if and is a non-negative integer, then the additional assumption (notice the strict inequality) is needed.

In any case, the constant depends on the parameters , on the domain , but not on .

The necessity of a different formulation with respect to the case is rather straightforward to prove. Indeed, since has finite Lebesgue measure, any affine function belongs to for every (including ). Of course, it holds much more: affine functions belong to and all their derivatives of order greater than or equal to two are identically equal to zero in . It can be easily seen that the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality for the case fails to be true for any non constant affine function, since a contradiction is immediately achieved when and , and therefore cannot hold in general for integrable functions defined on bounded domains.

That being said, under slightly stronger assumptions, it is possible to recast the theorem in such a way that the penalization term is "absorbed" in the first term at right hand side. Indeed, if , then one can choose and get This formulation has the advantage of recovering the structure of the theorem in the full Euclidean space, with the only caution that the Sobolev seminorm is replaced by the full -norm. For this reason, the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality in bounded domains is commonly stated in this way. [18]

Finally, observe that the first exceptional case appearing in the statement of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality for the whole space is no longer relevant in bounded domains, since for finite measure sets we have that for any finite

Generalization to non-integer orders

The problem of interpolating different Sobolev spaces has been solved in full generality by Haïm Brezis and Petru Mironescu in two works dated 2018 and 2019. [10] [11] Furthermore, their results do not depend on the dimension and allow real values of and , rather than integer. Here, is either the full space, a half-space or a bounded and Lipschitz domain. If and is an extended real quantity, the space is defined as follows and if we set where and denote the integer part and the fractional part of , respectively, i.e. . [19] In this definition, there is the understanding that , so that the usual Sobolev spaces are recovered whenever is a positive integer. These spaces are often referred to as fractional Sobolev spaces. A generalization of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality to these spaces reads

Theorem [20]  (Brezis-Mironescu)  Let be either the whole space, a half-space or a bounded Lipschitz domain. Let be three positive extended real quantities and let be non-negative real numbers. Furthermore, let and assume that hold. Then, for any if and only if The constant depends on the parameters , on the domain , but not on .

For example, the parameter choice gives the estimate The validity of the estimate is granted, for instance, from the fact that .

See also

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  1. Gagliardo, Emilio (August 14–21, 1958). Propriétés de certaines classes de fonctions de variables (PDF). International Congress of Mathematicians (in French). Edinburgh. p. xxiv.
  2. Nirenberg, Louis (August 14–21, 1958). Inequalities for derivatives (PDF). International Congress of Mathematicians. Edinburgh. p. xxvii.
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  4. Gagliardo, Emilio (1959). "Ulteriori proprietà di alcune classi di funzioni di più variabili". Ricerche di Matematica (in Italian). 8: 24–51.
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  12. Brezis, Haim (2011). Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-70914-7. ISBN   978-0-387-70913-0.
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  20. Brezis, Haïm; Mironescu, Petru (2018). "Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities and non-inequalities: The full story". Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C. 35 (5): 1356. Bibcode:2018AIHPC..35.1355B. doi: 10.1016/j.anihpc.2017.11.007 . ISSN   0294-1449. S2CID   58891735.