Gaia (king)

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Gaia (Numidian: GYY) [1] [2] (died 207 BCE) was a Berber king of the Massylii, [3] an eastern Numidian tribe in North Africa.

Gaia reigned during the Second Punic War of ancient Rome. He was the father of King Masinissa, [4] and the brother of Oezalces. [5]

Greco-Roman authors give his name as "Gala", but an inscription in Dougga indicates it may have instead been "Gaia". [6]

See also


  1. Huß, Werner (Bamberg) (2006-10-01), "Massylii", Brill’s New Pauly, Brill, retrieved 2022-01-20
  2. Sanctis, Gaetano De (1968). Storia dei Romani: L'età delle guerre puniche. (2 Pt.) (in Italian). "La Nuova Italia" editrice. p. 505.
  3. Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, 24.48
  4. Livius, Titus; Freinsheim, Johann (1815-01-01). The history of Titus Livius, with the entire supplement of J. Freinsheim; tr. into Engl. p. 536.
  5. Fage, J. D. (1979-02-01). The Cambridge History of Africa. Cambridge University Press. p. 180. ISBN   9780521215923.
  6. Roller, Duane W (2004). The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene: Royal Scholarship on Rome's African Frontier. Routledge. p. 12. ISBN   9781134402960 . Retrieved 15 September 2015.

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