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Galante is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

Given name

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Horowitz is a Levitical Ashkenazi surname deriving from the Horowitz family, though it can also be a non-Jewish surname as well. The name is derived from the town of Hořovice, Bohemia. Other variants of the name include Harowitz, Harrwitz, Harwitz, Horovitz, Horvitz, Horwicz, Horwitz, Hourwitz, Hurewicz, Hurwicz, Hurwitz, Gerovich, Gurovich, Gurevich, Gurvich, Gourevitch, Orowitz and Urwitz.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Carmine Galante</span> American mobster and boss

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Moses Galante was chief rabbi of Damascus during the late 18th century and early 19th century.

Mordecai Galante was Chief Rabbi of Damascus during the Ottoman era and author of Gedullat Mordekai, a collection of sermons preserved in manuscript at Damascus.

Galante was a Jewish family which flourished at the beginning of the 16th century in Rome, and the head of which, Mordecai, was a Spanish exile of the Angel family. His courteous manners won for him from the Roman nobles the surname "Galantuomo" (gentleman), a name which the family retained. About this time the family settled in the Land of Israel, where it produced authors and other celebrities, among them the following:

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