Gardena Office of Economic Development

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The Gardena Office of Economic Development's purpose is to attract new business, and to stimulate job creation by providing services to businesses and industries relocating to or expanding within Gardena, California.


Business outreach

Gardena is a small, highly urbanized community of 5.9 square miles (15 km2) within the South Bay Basin of Los Angeles County, United States, 13 miles (21 km) from downtown Los Angeles. Gardena has 62,000 inhabitants. Nearly 40% of the inhabitants age 25 and older have four years or more of college.

Together with the Gardena Employment and Training Center staff, the city has a business outreach program designed to identify attraction and expansion possibilities.

Going Green

The City of Gardena and Office of Economic Development offer programs targeted toward becoming environmentally conscious:

The City of Gardena and Office of Economic Development has, in conjunction with the EPA, created a Brownfield Program. The program identifies potentially contaminated properties within the city having the greatest potential for revitalization and redevelopment. Prior to 2009, the EPA awarded the City of Gardena $750,000 in Brownfield Environmental Assessment funds to be used for Environmental Site Assessments. The city discovered 72 Brownfield sites, created nearly 300 construction and clean jobs and leveraged $14 million in clean up funds in partnership with private investments. In October 2009, the EPA awarded to the City of Gardena an additional $400,000 environmental assessment grant.

Rosecrans Revitalization Program

The Rosecrans Revitalization Program is a program that was implemented by the city in 1999. The Rosecrans Corridor is a prime commercial area and the city has embarked on a revitalization to create a commercial environment. The goal of the Rosecrans Corridor program is to stimulate development projects and to make a contribution to the economic revitalization of the City of Gardena.

Business and industry

Gardena is home to over 175 manufacturing businesses offering services and support to the aerospace industry, and is the hub of numerous companies in the metalworking and machinery, food processing and furniture industries. Some of the city's largest employers include; HITCO Carbon Composites (2010 “Gardena Outstanding Business Award” winner), Chromalloy Corporation, Crenshaw Lumber Company, Southwest Offset Printing, and national retail credit companies.

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The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines brownfield land as property where the reuse may be complicated by the presence of hazardous materials. Brownfields can be abandoned gas stations, dry cleaning establishments, factories, mills, or foundries.

Communities for a Better Environment (CBE), previously known as Citizens for a Better Environment, is a policy-focused non-profit organization started in 1971 by Marc Anderson and David Come in Chicago, Illinois. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, CBE expanded to California, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. CBE established itself in San Francisco in 1978 and expanded to Los Angeles in 1982. Today, CBE is based in Oakland, CA and Huntington Park, CA, effecting positive change in communities throughout California, including Richmond, East Oakland, Vernon, Huntington Park, Boyle Heights, Pacoima, Wilmington, and SE Los Angeles. CBE was the first environmental organization to practice door-to-door canvassing by directly involving community members. In 1980, CBE won the United States Supreme Court decision on Village of Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment 444 U.S. 620, protecting the 1st and 14th Amendment Rights of door-to-door activists with CBE and countless other public interest organizations. CBE's early combination of grassroots organizing with research and legal work provided the innovative edge needed to challenge large-scale industries and refineries, and government policies.


    33°53′01″N118°18′24″W / 33.8837°N 118.3066°W / 33.8837; -118.3066