Goal-oriented Requirements Language

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Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL), an i*-based modeling language used in systems development, is designed to support goal-oriented modeling and reasoning about requirements especially the non-functional requirements [1]


GRL topics


Goal-oriented Requirements Language (GRL) allows to express conflict between goals and helps to make decisions that resolve conflicts. There are three main categories of concepts in GRL:

They are called for intentional because they are used in models that primarily concerned with answering "why" question of requirements (for ex. why certain choices for behavior or structure were made, what alternatives exist and what is the reason for choosing of certain alternative.)

Intentional elements

GRL Notation GRL legend.gif
GRL Notation

Intentional elements are: goal, soft goal, task, belief and resource.


GRL relationships GRL relationships.GIF
GRL relationships

Intentional relationships are: means-ends, decomposition, contribution, correlation and dependency.


GRL Tool Support

At present, GRL is supported by a general-purpose organization modelling tool - OME (Organization Modeling Environment). OME provides support to various modelling frameworks by loading the framework and its functional modules dynamically. [3]

See also

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  1. Lin Liu, Eric Yu (2003). "Designing information systems in social context: a goal and scenario modelling approach" in: Information Systems, Volume 29, Number 2, April 2004 , pp. 187-203(17)
  2. GRL web site, University of Toronto, http://www.cs.toronto.edu/km/GRL/
  3. GRL Tool Support University of Toronto, CANADA. Accessed 15 dec 2008.