The Godement resolution of a sheaf is a construction in homological algebra that allows one to view global, cohomological information about the sheaf in terms of local information coming from its stalks. It is useful for computing sheaf cohomology. It was discovered by Roger Godement.
Given a topological space X (more generally, a topos X with enough points), and a sheaf F on X, the Godement construction for F gives a sheaf constructed as follows. For each point , let denote the stalk of F at x. Given an open set , define
An open subset clearly induces a restriction map , so is a presheaf. One checks the sheaf axiom easily. One also proves easily that is flabby, meaning each restriction map is surjective. The map can be turned into a functor because a map between two sheaves induces maps between their stalks. Finally, there is a canonical map of sheaves that sends each section to the 'product' of its germs. This canonical map is a natural transformation between the identity functor and .
Another way to view is as follows. Let be the set X with the discrete topology. Let be the continuous map induced by the identity. It induces adjoint direct and inverse image functors and . Then , and the unit of this adjunction is the natural transformation described above.
Because of this adjunction, there is an associated monad on the category of sheaves on X. Using this monad there is a way to turn a sheaf F into a coaugmented cosimplicial sheaf. This coaugmented cosimplicial sheaf gives rise to an augmented cochain complex that is defined to be the Godement resolution of F.
In more down-to-earth terms, let , and let denote the canonical map. For each , let denote , and let denote the canonical map. The resulting resolution is a flabby resolution of F, and its cohomology is the sheaf cohomology of F.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C that makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space. A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a site.
Homological algebra is the branch of mathematics that studies homology in a general algebraic setting. It is a relatively young discipline, whose origins can be traced to investigations in combinatorial topology and abstract algebra at the end of the 19th century, chiefly by Henri Poincaré and David Hilbert.
In mathematics, specifically in homology theory and algebraic topology, cohomology is a general term for a sequence of abelian groups, usually one associated with a topological space, often defined from a cochain complex. Cohomology can be viewed as a method of assigning richer algebraic invariants to a space than homology. Some versions of cohomology arise by dualizing the construction of homology. In other words, cochains are functions on the group of chains in homology theory.
In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking data attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them. For example, for each open set, the data could be the ring of continuous functions defined on that open set. Such data are well behaved in that they can be restricted to smaller open sets, and also the data assigned to an open set are equivalent to all collections of compatible data assigned to collections of smaller open sets covering the original open set.
In mathematics, the étale cohomology groups of an algebraic variety or scheme are algebraic analogues of the usual cohomology groups with finite coefficients of a topological space, introduced by Grothendieck in order to prove the Weil conjectures. Étale cohomology theory can be used to construct ℓ-adic cohomology, which is an example of a Weil cohomology theory in algebraic geometry. This has many applications, such as the proof of the Weil conjectures and the construction of representations of finite groups of Lie type.
In mathematics, certain functors may be derived to obtain other functors closely related to the original ones. This operation, while fairly abstract, unifies a number of constructions throughout mathematics.
In mathematics, the derived categoryD(A) of an abelian category A is a construction of homological algebra introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of derived functors defined on A. The construction proceeds on the basis that the objects of D(A) should be chain complexes in A, with two such chain complexes considered isomorphic when there is a chain map that induces an isomorphism on the level of homology of the chain complexes. Derived functors can then be defined for chain complexes, refining the concept of hypercohomology. The definitions lead to a significant simplification of formulas otherwise described (not completely faithfully) by complicated spectral sequences.
In mathematics, sheaf cohomology is the application of homological algebra to analyze the global sections of a sheaf on a topological space. Broadly speaking, sheaf cohomology describes the obstructions to solving a geometric problem globally when it can be solved locally. The central work for the study of sheaf cohomology is Grothendieck's 1957 Tôhoku paper.
In mathematics, injective sheaves of abelian groups are used to construct the resolutions needed to define sheaf cohomology.
In the branch of mathematics called homological algebra, a t-structure is a way to axiomatize the properties of an abelian subcategory of a derived category. A t-structure on consists of two subcategories of a triangulated category or stable infinity category which abstract the idea of complexes whose cohomology vanishes in positive, respectively negative, degrees. There can be many distinct t-structures on the same category, and the interplay between these structures has implications for algebra and geometry. The notion of a t-structure arose in the work of Beilinson, Bernstein, Deligne, and Gabber on perverse sheaves.
In mathematics, in the field of homological algebra, the Grothendieck spectral sequence, introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in his Tôhoku paper, is a spectral sequence that computes the derived functors of the composition of two functors , from knowledge of the derived functors of and . Many spectral sequences in algebraic geometry are instances of the Grothendieck spectral sequence, for example the Leray spectral sequence.
In mathematics, the direct image functor is a construction in sheaf theory that generalizes the global sections functor to the relative case. It is of fundamental importance in topology and algebraic geometry. Given a sheaf F defined on a topological space X and a continuous map f: X → Y, we can define a new sheaf f∗F on Y, called the direct image sheaf or the pushforward sheaf of F along f, such that the global sections of f∗F is given by the global sections of F. This assignment gives rise to a functor f∗ from the category of sheaves on X to the category of sheaves on Y, which is known as the direct image functor. Similar constructions exist in many other algebraic and geometric contexts, including that of quasi-coherent sheaves and étale sheaves on a scheme.
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry, an inverse image functor is a contravariant construction of sheaves; here “contravariant” in the sense given a map , the inverse image functor is a functor from the category of sheaves on Y to the category of sheaves on X. The direct image functor is the primary operation on sheaves, with the simplest definition. The inverse image exhibits some relatively subtle features.
In mathematics, more specifically sheaf theory, a branch of topology and algebraic geometry, the exceptional inverse image functor is the fourth and most sophisticated in a series of image functors for sheaves. It is needed to express Verdier duality in its most general form.
In mathematics, especially in sheaf theory—a domain applied in areas such as topology, logic and algebraic geometry—there are four image functors for sheaves that belong together in various senses.
In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, the Čech-to-derived functor spectral sequence is a spectral sequence that relates Čech cohomology of a sheaf and sheaf cohomology.
In mathematics, more specifically in homotopy theory, a simplicial presheaf is a presheaf on a site taking values in simplicial sets. Equivalently, a simplicial presheaf is a simplicial object in the category of presheaves on a site. The notion was introduced by A. Joyal in the 1970s. Similarly, a simplicial sheaf on a site is a simplicial object in the category of sheaves on the site.
In mathematics, a sheaf of O-modules or simply an O-module over a ringed space (X, O) is a sheaf F such that, for any open subset U of X, F(U) is an O(U)-module and the restriction maps F(U) → F(V) are compatible with the restriction maps O(U) → O(V): the restriction of fs is the restriction of f times the restriction of s for any f in O(U) and s in F(U).
In mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, the decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne or BBD decomposition theorem is a set of results concerning the cohomology of algebraic varieties. It was originally conjectured by Gelfand and MacPherson.
In mathematics, the base change theorems relate the direct image and the inverse image of sheaves. More precisely, they are about the base change map, given by the following natural transformation of sheaves: