Government of Flint, Michigan

Last updated

The City of Flint has operated under at least four charters (1855, [1] 1888, [2] 1929, 1974 [3] ). The City is currently run under its 2017 [4] charter that gives the city a Strong Mayor form of government. It is also instituted the appointed independent office of Ombudsman, while the city clerk is solely appointed by the City Council. The City Council is composed of members elected from the city's nine wards. [3]


The city was under the supervision of a state-appointed Receivership Transition Advisory Board from 2015 to January 2019. [5] The Receivership Transition Advisory Board had to review and rule on all financial matters approved by the city council and mayor.

In June 2018, an Administrative Hearings Bureau, or Blight Hearings Bureau, was started through a grant to handle blight hearings generated from blight citations given by the city's Blight Elimination Division. Attorney T.W. Feaster was appointed the first administrative hearing officer of the bureau. [6] There were a backlog since 2013 of about 7,000 complaints. [7]

Other principal officers

See Also Mayor of the City of Flint, Michigan
1855Levi WalkerElihu F. FraryCornelius Roosevelt
1856Chas. B. HigginsJohn C. GriswoldJoshua Vose
1857M.L. HigginsGeorge F. HoodNathaniel Dodge
1858Charles HascallCyrus H. Golf
1860Lewis G. BickfordJohn A. KlineGeorge Andrews
1861L.R. BuckinghamJ.A. Owens
1862Julius Brouseau
1863H. R. LovellAnson S. WitheeJ.D. Morehouse
1864Alvin T. CrossmanL.G. Buckingham
1865J.D. Morehouse
1866William W. Barnes
1867George R. GoldJohn S. Freeman
1869Anson S. WitheeWilliam A. Miller
1871Chas. E. McAlesterSamuel B. Wicks
1872 Francis H. Rankin, Sr.
1873Solomon V. Hakes
1874 Francis H. Rankin, Sr.
YearCity Clerk•TreasurersMarshals
1877 Francis H. Rankin, Sr. Charles C. BeahanSamuel B. Wicks
1878Michael Doran
1879J.B.F. CurtisJared Van Vleet


•In 1876, the office of City Recorder was abolished and replaced with a city council appointed city clerk. [8]

1929 Charter

In 1929, the city adopted a new city charter with a council-manager form of government. In 1935, the city residents approved a charter amendment establishing the Civil Service Commission. The three-member Civil Service Commission had complete control over all personal matters leaving the city manager powerless to hire and fire. The Commission powers were reduced in the 1974 charter. [9]

YearCity ManagerDeputy City
1963—1965 James W. Rutherford
12/1971-4/1974Brian Rapp [10]

Emergency manager

Jul 2002 - Jun 2004Ed Kurtz John Engler
Dec 2011 - Aug 2012 Michael Brown Rick Snyder
Aug 2012 - July 2013Ed KurtzRick Snyder
July 2013 - October 2013Michael BrownRick Snyder
October 2013 - January 2015 Darnell Earley Rick Snyder [11]
January 2015–April 30, 2015Jerry AmbroseRick Snyder [12] [13]

Ward officers

Street CommissionersAssessors
1855William MoonWilliam EddyJohn C. GriswoldAshael Fuller William Hamilton David Foot [14]
1856Thomas McElhanyGeorge AndrewsJames McAlester
1857William BakerJohn A. KlineJohn W. Palmer
1858John S. RynoBenjamin PearsonChas. H. Cudney
1859Elijah Drake
1860Benjamin F. GolfWilliam Miller
1861L. BradfordS. C. SmithWilliam Bloomer
1862A.M. HurdL. BuckinghamJosiah Pratt
1863 L. H. RobertsJames D. Haight
1864David WatsonTheo. SimonsL. Buckingham
1866William W. JoynerLeonard WeasonJacob B. Covert
1867Orson B. GibsonEdmond Curtis
1868William O. BassettWilliam Boomer
1869Jno. C. ClementJosiah PrattJosiah Pratt (?)
1870Robert W. DullamL. H. RobertSilas Austin
1871Robert Patrick, Sr.Almon ReynoldsGeorge Stanard
1872S. B. WicksHenry Stanley
1873Edmond CurtisL. BuckinghamHenry Thayer
1874Josiah Pratt
1875John Becker
1876John AndrewsAugustus Root
1877John C. DaytonD. C. Andrews
1878Thomas SullivanM. H. White
1879Alfred IngallsWilliam Pidd



1855 Charter

1st1855J.W. ArmstrongGeorge W. DeweyBenjamin PearsonDavid Mather William M. Fenton Alvin T. Crosman
2nd1856H. W. Wood ? (George W. Dewey)Charles Rice ? (David Mather)Henry Higgins ? (Alvin T. Crosman)
3rd1857 ? (H. W. Wood)C.S. Payne ? (Charles Rice)
Lewis Walker†
Samuel N. Warren ? (Henry Higgins)George W. Fish
4th1858Jno. C. AllenSamuel B. WicksG.W. Skidmore
5th1859J. Skidmore
6th1861 ? (Jno. C. Allen)Oscar Adams ? (Samuel B. Wicks) William Hamilton  ? (J. Skidmore) William Patterson
7th1861 Alexander McFarland  ? (Oscar Adams)Edward C. Turner ? (William Hamilton)William Clark ? (William Patterson)
8th1862 ? (Alexander McFarland) David Spencer Fox  ? (Edward C. Turner) William Hamilton  ? (William Clark)Paul H. Stewart
9th1863O.F. ForsythEdward C. TurnerI. N. EldridgeDavid Foote
10th1864William StevensonHiram Parsell
11th1865 George H. Durand
12th1865L.H. Roberts
13th1866John HawleyI. N. Eldridge Sumner Howard
14th1867Abner Randall William Hamilton Charles Smith
15th1868Orson B. Gibson
16th1869F.W. JuddOrson B. GibsonF.H. Pierce
17th1870M.S. ElmoreWilson S. TouseyW. O'Donoughue
18th1871Damon StewartJohn WillettW.BuckinghamJ.R. ChambersChas. D. Smith
19th1872Samuel C. RandallWilliam DullamJ.B.F. CurtisEdward B. Clapp Josiah W. Begole James Williams
20th1873Benj. CotharinH.C. SpencerP. Cleveland, Jr.
21st1874William R. Morse
22nd1875Thomas PageWilliams FobesChris Becker
23rd1876Chas. A. MasonHenry BrownChas. D. Smith
24th1877Andrew J. Ward William A. Atwood William A. BurrJ. Zimmerman
25th1878S.N. AndrousHenry C. WalkerJos. M. Corkey
26th1879George L. Caldwell? (Thomas Page)? (S.N. Androus)? (William A. Atwood)? (Jos. M. Corkey)A.R. Michaels

† To fill vacancy [8]

1888 Charter

1929 Charter

1974 Charter

1974 to 1983John W. Northrup (ward unknown)
1983 to 1985John W. Northrup (ward unknown) Jack Minore
1985-1991John W. Northrup (ward unknown)Jack MinoreScott Kincaid
1991-January 1997John W. Northrup (ward unknown) Peggy R. Cook Jack MinoreScott Kincaid
January 1997 to 1998 Peggy R. Cook Jack MinoreScott Kincaid
1998 to 2004 Peggy R. Cook Scott Kincaid
2004 to 2005Joshua FreemanScott Kincaid
2005–2007Darryl BuchananJackie PoplarKerry NelsonSandy HillCarolyn Sims Sheldon Neeley Jim Ananich Ehren GonzalesScott Kincaid
2007–2009Delrico LoydJackie Poplar [15] Kerry Nelson [16] Sandy Hill [15] Carolyn Sims [17] Sheldon NeeleyJim AnanichEhren GonzalesScott Kincaid [15]
2009–2013Delrico LoydJacqueline PoplarBryant NoldenJoshua FreemanBernard LawlerSheldon NeeleyDale WeighillMichael SarginsonScott Kincaid [15]
2013-2017 [18] [19] Eric Mays Bryant Nolden (2013-1/2015; VP 2013-2014)
Kerry Nelson, President (2015-2016)
  • Joshua Freeman (13-1/2016),
  • president (2014-2015)
  • Kate Fields (2016-2017) [20]
Wantwaz Davis, Vice President (2014-2015)Herbert WinfreyMonica GallowayVicki VanBuren, Vice President (2015-2016)Scott Kincaid, president (2013-2014)
President and vice president are selected in November.

Receivership Transition Advisory Board

The Receivership Transition Advisory Board was appointed by Governor Snyder after the city exited direct control of the emergency manager in its second Financial emergency in Michigan.

memberpositionstart [13] end
Fred HeadenchairApril 30, 2015
Brian Larkin [21] October 28, 2015
David McGhee
Robert McMahan [22] January 20, 2016
Beverly Walker-Griffea
Mike Finney [22] [23] January 19, 2016May 26, 2017
Michael Townsend [23] [24] January 21, 2016
Paul Newman [23] May 26, 2017
William Tarver [23]

Charter Review Commission

member 1974position [25]
Carl L Bekofskechairman
leroy Nicholsvice chairman
Bob Jackson
John H. West
Joseph Conroy
Charles A. Greene
James P. Hanley
Philip D. Marvin
Banius C. Hedrick
member 2015positionterm [25]
John D. CherryVice chairMay 18, 2015 - May 18, 2018
Brian LarkinMay 18, 2015 - October 28, 2015 [21]
Cleora MageechairMay 18, 2015 - May 18, 2018
Victoria McKenze
Charles Metcalfe
Heidi Phaneuf
James Richardson
Marsha Wesley
Barry Williams
Quincy MurphyDecember 17, 2015 - [26] May 18, 2018


Supervisors represented the City on the Genesee County, Michigan Board of Supervisors.

1855Charles N. Beecher
1857George S. Hopkins
1858Francis BakerWilliam LyonsGeorge S. Hopkins
1860W. O'DonoughueSamuel N. WarrenL.G. Buckingham
1861D.S. FreemanGeorge S. Hopkins
1862John C. Clement
1864P.H. Stewart
1865 Josiah W. Begole
1867Paul H. Stewart
1868 William Paterson
1869Andrew B. ChapinPaul H. Stewart
1871 George E. Newall George W. Thayer
1872Cornelius RooseveltGeorge L. Walker
1874John Algoe
1875S. Mathewson Ephraim S. Williams
1876James Van Vleet
1877D.S. Freeman
1878L.C. WitneyAlbert Crosby



The City Ombudsman is a charter independent office of the city appointed by the City Council in a 2/3 votes to a seven-year term. A police ombudsman, Richard Dicks, predated the current charter position and was appointed in 1969.

TermOffice holdernotes
12/26/75-1978Joe Dupcza
05/15/78-07/21/87James Ananich
07/22/87-07/21/94Terry Bankert
08/17/94-04/08/96Darryl BuchananHe was removed from office by the City Council but was returned to office after a lawsuit and finished his term.
01/1999-05/8/2006Jessie Binion
05/8/2006-12/2/2011Brenda L. PurifoyRemoved from office by the Emergency Manager Michael Brown. [27]



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