Grassmann bundle

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In algebraic geometry, the Grassmann d-plane bundle of a vector bundle E on an algebraic scheme X is a scheme over X:

such that the fiber is the Grassmannian of the d-dimensional vector subspaces of . For example, is the projective bundle of E. In the other direction, a Grassmann bundle is a special case of a (partial) flag bundle. Concretely, the Grassmann bundle can be constructed as a Quot scheme.

Like the usual Grassmannian, the Grassmann bundle comes with natural vector bundles on it; namely, there are universal or tautological subbundle S and universal quotient bundle Q that fit into


Specifically, if V is in the fiber p−1(x), then the fiber of S over V is V itself; thus, S has rank r = rk(E) and is the determinant line bundle. Now, by the universal property of a projective bundle, the injection corresponds to the morphism over X:


which is nothing but a family of Plücker embeddings.

The relative tangent bundle TGd(E)/X of Gd(E) is given by [1]

which morally is given by the second fundamental form. In the case d = 1, it is given as follows: if V is a finite-dimensional vector space, then for each line in V passing through the origin (a point of ), there is the natural identification (see Chern class#Complex projective space for example):

and the above is the family-version of this identification. (The general care is a generalization of this.)

In the case d = 1, the early exact sequence tensored with the dual of S = O(-1) gives:


which is the relative version of the Euler sequence.

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  1. Fulton 1998 , Appendix B.5.8