Green Zone Community Climate Action

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Green Zone Community Climate Action is an unincorporated charitable association formed in November 2016. Based in Broomfield, Essex, this organization delivers climate change awareness at a grassroots level to improve public understanding of global warming and promote individual actions that can help address it. The charity works with Marks & Spencer through the project [1] among other retailers to reduce food waste and share unsold food within the community. It also supports climate education for primary school children through clubs. The charity took part in the worldwide "24 Hours of Reality" campaign broadcast by The Climate Reality Project. Working alongside additional community charities, [2] Green Zone Community Climate Action is one of many new projects created to assist the UK in meeting the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals. [3]



The UK government created a Department of Energy and Climate Change in 2008 to address the country's policies on this global issue. Following the appointment of Prime Minister Theresa May, the department was abolished. An Environmental Audit Select Committee, [4] chaired by Mary Creagh Labour MP for Wakefield, reviews governments' policies and programmers within government departments and public bodies on their effort to address climate change.[ citation needed ]


Prince Charles Ladybird Book on Climate Change Prince Charles Climate Change LadyBird Book.jpg
Prince Charles Ladybird Book on Climate Change

Feed-in tariffs in the United Kingdom are financial incentives that pay for the electricity generated and fed back into the National Grid to encourage the purchase of renewable energy through solar panels on residential and business properties. The tariff rates have gradually decreased, [5] making it less desirable to purchase renewable energy.

The National Curriculum in the UK briefly covers climate change in Key Stages 3 and 4. [6] Children in earlier years are taught about the topic of recycling when looking at different materials. Traditionally, classes are open to adult learners, and information and education on climate change are reserved for individuals who are actively interested in their future education.. [7]

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Debra Rowe is a professor at Oakland Community College in Oakland County, Michigan, who has taught classes in energy management, renewable energy, and psychology. Much of her work explores the role of community colleges and other higher education institutions as leaders in educating a population and a workforce that can support the development of a green economy and meet sustainability goals.


  1. "Food Sharing for Green Zone Community Climate Action". Neighbourly. January 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  2. "About Us". Ideas Hub. 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  3. "Sustainable Development Platform". United Nations. 2017. Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  4. "Environmental Audit Committee". Parliament. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  5. "FIT Tariff Rates". Ofgem. 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  6. "National Curriculum". Department for Education. 16 July 2014. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  7. "Climate Change". The Open University. Retrieved 2 March 2017.