Grossberg network

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Grossberg network is a artificial neural network introduced by Stephen Grossberg. It is a self organizing, competitive network based on continuous time. [1] Grossberg, a neuroscientist and a biomedical engineer, designed this network based on the human visual system.

Shunting model

The shunting model is one of Grossberg's neural network models, based on a Leaky integrator, described by the differential equation


where represents the activation level of a neuron, and represent the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the neuron, and , , and are constants representing the leaky decay rate and the maximum and minimum activation levels.

At equilibrium (where ), the activation reaches the value


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  1. Martin T. Hagan; Howard B. Demuth; Mark H. Beale (January 2002) [1996]. "Chapter 15: Grossberg Network". Neural Network Design (1st ed.). PWS Publishing Co. p. 15–1. ISBN   978-0971732100.