Gustavo Morales

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Gustavo Morales Delgado being interviewed Gustavo Morales en entrevista.jpg
Gustavo Morales Delgado being interviewed
Delgado at a presentation of one of his books Gustavo Morales en la presentacion de su ultimo libro.jpg
Delgado at a presentation of one of his books

Gustavo Morales y Delgado (born 27 March 1959 in Toledo, Spain) is a Spanish journalist, periodist and former politician. He is the former deputy director of the newspaper El Rotativo and former editor of the newspaper Ya. He has collaborated as a military analyst with BBC and Russia Today. He won the Carlos V Award for Journalism, [1] two orders of Merit and Palma de Plata. [2]



Gustavo Morales grew up between Toledo, Spain and the Madrid neighborhood of Carabanchel.[ citation needed ]

At the age of eighteen, Morales began to travel the world. In his travels he visited especially the Muslim countries, where his interest in the Islamic world was born. He has traveled throughout Europe, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, India, and Japan. He has collaborated in the translation of different works of scholars from the Islamic world, such as The Rights of Women in Islam of Ayatollah Motahari, The Islamic Government of Khomeini, The Sociology of Islam of Shariati and the Iranian Constitution of 1979. He has written articles on the subjects and given some lectures thereon. His university education took him to the faculties of History, Sociology and to Information Science, where he specialized. He wrote about the Iranian-Iraqi war, living in Al Amarah (Maysan) and Baghdad in 1982. He was an observer of the cease-fire in Iran. He has written two books on Islamic fundamentalism published in 1988, Imam Khomeini's Iran, and in 1990, Iran in the World. He was editor-in-chief of the magazine MC, directed the newspaper Ya and the program The Quadrilateral on Channel 7 TV. He was also editor-in-chief and deputy editor of the magazine Defensa, founded by Arturo Pérez-Reverte and Vicente Talón Ortiz. Before his travels he enlisted in the Legion.[ citation needed ]

He was assistant director of El Rotativo, at CEU San Pablo University, was attached to the director of the magazine War Heat, and director of the online university newspaper He has been a military analyst for the BBC since 2003. He has been a contributor to Legio XXI (Voluntary Reserve magazine), European Dialogue and El Semanal Digital. He collaborated on the radio programs of Intercontinental La Gran Esperanza, and Punto de Vista. He was also a sporadic member of the show El Gato al Agua on the television channel Intereconomía. He is currently directing the Orientando en HispanTV program.[ citation needed ]

He has twice been sent to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Falangist Period

At the age of fourteen, he entered the illegal Front of Student Unionists - one of the groups that gave rise to the FE de las JONS (Authentic) - being responsible for Teaching Media in Madrid. He was local chief of the Junta de Carabanchel, Milicias squadron chief and youth secretary. He attended the World Congress of Students in Cuba, in a blue shirt in 1978. He held the position of national head of FE de las JONS from 1995 to October 1997, when he resigned by offering a table for the unit at a public event in the Plaza de Olavide.[ citation needed ]

In 1997 he founded the José Antonio Primo de Rivera Foundation. In 1999, together with Ángel Carrera Zabaleta and Luis Manuel Rodríguez Jamet, he founded the Ramiro Ledesma Ramos Foundation, of which he was president. The last century abandoned political party militancy.[ citation needed ]


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  1. "Falangistas contra el Caudillo" (cite for Carlos V Award for Journalism, Periodismo). 2008.
  2. Reseña biográfica en la editorial Esfera de Libros Archived 15 December 2011 at the Wayback Machine .