Hank Pellissier

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Hank Pellissier
Hank Pellissier.png
Pellissier in 2008
Pen nameHank Hyena

Hank Pellissier is a writer, editor, speaker, activist, political theorist, producer, and nonprofit director - he has been involved with transhumanist, atheist, educational, and humanitarian topics.



In the 1980s and 1990s, Pellissier used the moniker "Hank Hyena" as a San Francisco performance artist, slam poet, and metro/gonzo journalist. Reviews of his work varied. A Los Angeles Times headline of his 1992 performance art at the Burbage Theater claimed "Kids' Stuff Gets the Best of Hank Hyena" and said he appeared childish instead of childlike." [1] Conversely John Strausbaugh, in a highly critical review of the anthology The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry for New York Press in 2015, described Hank Hyena as one of the "better representatives of the 90s shout-it-out school of poetry", [2] and Matt Honan, co-founder of Gettingit.com, said, “Hank was insanely funny and would do -- and write about -- anything you asked. Literally, anything.” [3] As Hank Hyena, Pellissier contributed to Salon.com, SFGate.com, and GettingIt.com, [4] performed at the Cleveland Performance Art Festival in 1991, [5] and produced a "subversive" fashion show as part of a Mozart festival in San Francisco in 1991. [6] Under his own name, Pellissier co-produced an Atheist Film Festival in San Francisco [7] and was the “Local Intelligence” columnist for The New York Times in 2010". [8]

Pellissier published transhumanist/futurist essays in HplusMagazine, and, in the early 2010s, wrote articles for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) where he was appointed managing director in 2012. His essay “Eight Ways In-Vitro Meat Will Change Our Lives” was re-published in Best of H+ Magazine. [9] He has also self-published the books Invent Utopia Now: Transhumanist Suggestions for the Pre-Singularity Era, and Brighter Brains - 225 Ways to Elevate or Injure IQ.

After leaving IEET, he started the nonprofit Brighter Brains Institute and produced eight "Transhuman Vision" conferences in the SF Bay Area. [10] The Brighter Brains Institute built the “world’s first atheist orphanage” in Uganda in 2015 [11] [12] and it sent Soylent to support Mangyan villagers of the Philippines. Pellissier stated that he finds "it appalling that people want to go to Mars but they neglect the fact that there are millions of people in the world who are starving.” [13]   In 2020, his nonprofit changed its name to Humanist Global Charity, [14] and in 2023 it changed its name again to Humanist Mutual Aid Network. [15] In 2016, Pellissier was featured in TheHumanist.com as an “atheist missionary” [16] and in 2022 he was interviewed on his humanitarian work by Pacific Coast TV. [17]

Political Theories

In 2021, Pellissier published an essay, “Geo-Tinyism - Fusing Ideologies to Advance Progressive Value” that promoted the synthesis of Georgism and Tinyism. [18] The essay was included in his e-book Share the World: 28 Essays for a Fair Society. [19] The dual concept combination was praised by blogger Anthony Feldman in his review titled “Earth 4.0: A Treatise.” [20] Feldman believed the [t]wo“ isms”…have the capacity to rewrite the rules by which most of the world operates today, and curtail the damage we’ve done, bringing about true global prosperity.” Blogger Jared Brock also praised Pellissier’s promotion of Tinyism in his essay, “American Will Be Twelve Countries Very Soon,” [21] with the summary, “I’m excited for this to happen.” Other pundits disagreed. James Ssekamatte’s review, “If Tinyism is our Future, We Have a Huge Problem” [22] concluded with, “I hope it never happens,” and Akanksha Sharma’s essay, “Tinyism: [23] An Ideology That Breaks Nations into Pieces” was fully negative, stating, “Tinyism has miserably failed to make a mark on the global stage… it can never be materialized. Tinyism must not be taken seriously.” Pellissier is also an advocate of Global Egalitarianism. He presented this position in a 2020 essay published by The Hampton Institute [24] and he referenced it when he was interviewed by “Coping With Capitalism” in a 2024 article titled “Challenging Injustice and Changing Lives.” [25] He also established a website that advocates this radical wealth-and-power sharing philosophy. [26]


In 2023, Pellissier launched a street activist group that organized multiple protests for Ceasefire in Palestine. The group received attention from radio channel KPFA.org, remarking, "A Mega Mouth Rebels rally is unlike any other rally.... it mixes elements of theater to engage the audience on issues they champion... the interactive activism empowers people and brings them together." [27]

See also

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  1. Don, Shirley. "PERFORMANCE ART REVIEW : Kids' Stuff Gets the Best of Hank Hyena". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  2. Strausbaugh, John. "Beat & the brats". New York Post. Archived from the original on March 9, 2000. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  3. Mat, Honan. "Start Up, Shut Down, Drop Out".
  4. "Hank Pellissier". salon.com. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  5. "Cleveland Performance Art Festival Detailed Shelflist". web.ulib.csuohio.edu. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  6. "MOZART CELEBRATIONS BRING OUT THE BIZARRE IN SAN FRANCISCO". Deseret News. Reuter News Service. 1991-05-23. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  7. "About the Festival | Atheist Film Festival". 2013-11-17. Archived from the original on 2013-11-17. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  8. "Black Power Statue". The New York Times.
  9. Sirius, R. U. Goertzel, Ben; Orban, David (eds.). Best of H+ Magazine, Vol.1: 2008-2010. ASIN   1496073312.
  10. Karlin, Anatoly (September 1, 2013). "A Meeting with Hank Pellissier" . Retrieved July 1, 2016.
  11. "The World's First Atheist Orphanage Has Launched a Crowdfunding Campaign". www.vice.com. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  12. Sloat, Sarah. "An Atheist Ugandan Orphanage Beats Back Superstition and Zealotry With Science". Inverse. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  13. "A Transhumanist Wants to Feed DIY Soylent to Starving Children". www.vice.com. Retrieved June 15, 2021.
  14. "2020 Annual Report". Humanist Global Charity. Retrieved 2020-09-29.
  16. Jessica, Xiao. "Transhumanist Hank Pellissier on Being an "Atheist Missionary"". The Humanist.com.
  17. "Wavelength - 71 - Hank Pellissier". Internet Archiev.
  18. "Tinism Video". Reddit.
  19. Hank, Pellissier. "Share the World". Amazon. ASIN   B09VS6W57Q.
  20. Anthony, Fieldman. "Earth 4.0: A Treatise". Medium. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  21. "Surviving Tomorrow". Surviving tomorrow.
  22. James, Ssekamatte. "If Tinyism is Our Future, We Have A Huge Problem". Medium. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  23. Akanksha, Sharma. "Tinyism: An Ideology That Breaks Nations into Pieces". EATMYNEWS. Retrieved 14 June 2024.
  24. pellissier, Hank. "A modest proposal for global egalitarianism". Hampton. Retrieved 12 August 2024.
  25. Jr, Shawn. "Challenging Injustice & Changing Lives | Coping with Capitalism Interview #8". Medium. Retrieved 12 August 2024.
  26. "Global Egalitarianism". Global Egalitarianism.
  27. "Law & Disorder – June 13, 2024". Kpfa Radio.