Haole Girl

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Haole Girl
Species Carcharodon carcharias
Known forOne of the largest great white sharks recorded
WeightEstimated >2,000 kg (4,400 lb)

Haole Girl is the nickname given to a female great white shark that is considered to be one of the largest great whites. The shark has been seen in Hawaii where it was spotted feeding on a whale carcass. The shark was initially thought to be Deep Blue, another large great white. However, researchers have claimed the shark spotted in Oahu, Hawaii was Haole Girl and was possibly pregnant.



Haole Girl was first spotted in Oahu, Hawaii January 13, 2019. The shark was spotted feeding on a sperm whale carcass. [1]


Haole Girl is claimed to be one of the largest great white sharks, roughly the same size as Deep Blue, which was estimated to be around 20 ft. The similar size has caused confusion about which shark was actually filmed by Ocean Ramsey in Hawaii.

Interactions with humans

The videos of Haole Girl seen in Hawaii show the shark to be calm and non-aggressive around the divers, allowing them to swim around her and even touch her.


Haole Girl's size has seemingly led her to be mistaken for two large great white sharks known as Deep Blue and Kainani. The shark that has been seen swimming with scuba divers in Ramsey's videos is speculated to have actually been Haole Girl, instead of Deep Blue. [2] [3] In a twitter post, shark photographer George T. Probst claimed that many have assumed the shark was Deep Blue and mentions that Deep Blue was in the dive site two days prior. [4] Michael Domeier has also disputed the claim that the shark was Deep Blue, as he stated that Haole Girl was newly discovered. [5]

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Deep Blue is a female great white shark that is estimated to be 6.1 m (20 ft) long or bigger and is now sixty years old. She is believed to be one of the biggest ever recorded in history. The shark was first spotted in Mexico by researcher Mauricio Hoyos Padilla. Deep Blue was featured on the Discovery Channel's Shark Week. The shark was spotted by marine biologists studying tiger sharks near the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Various videos show the shark as calm and non-aggressive around humans and even dolphins.


  1. "Deep Blue in Hawaii". Shark Diving Xperts. Retrieved 2023-02-18.
  2. "A Huge Great White Shark Controversy: Undercurrent 02/2019". Undercurrent.org. 2018-05-22. Retrieved 2023-02-18.
  3. Published by Amanda Gardiner on Jun 21, 2019Jun 21, 2019 (2019-06-21). "Why You Should Know Who Deep Blue Is". Cape RADD. Retrieved 2023-02-18.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  4. "JavaScript is not available". Twitter.com. Retrieved 2023-02-18.
  5. "These Divers Swam With A Giant Great White Shark And It's Jaw-Dropping". Buzzfeednews.com. 2019-01-18. Retrieved 2023-02-18.