Hardy's inequality

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Hardy's inequality is an inequality in mathematics, named after G. H. Hardy.


Its discrete version states that if is a sequence of non-negative real numbers, then for every real number p > 1 one has

If the right-hand side is finite, equality holds if and only if for all n.

An integral version of Hardy's inequality states the following: if f is a measurable function with non-negative values, then

If the right-hand side is finite, equality holds if and only if f(x) = 0 almost everywhere.

Hardy's inequality was first published and proved (at least the discrete version with a worse constant) in 1920 in a note by Hardy. [1] The original formulation was in an integral form slightly different from the above.


General discrete Hardy inequality

The general weighted one dimensional version reads as follows: [2] :§332: if , and ,

General one-dimensional integral Hardy inequality

The general weighted one dimensional version reads as follows: [2] :§330

Multidimensional Hardy inequalities with gradient

Multidimensional Hardy inequality around a point

In the multidimensional case, Hardy's inequality can be extended to -spaces, taking the form [3]

where , and where the constant is known to be sharp; by density it extends then to the Sobolev space .

Similarly, if , then one has for every

Multidimensional Hardy inequality near the boundary

If is an nonempty convex open set, then for every ,

and the constant cannot be improved. [4]

Fractional Hardy inequality

If and , , there exists a constant such that for every satisfying , one has [5] :Lemma 2

Proof of the inequality

Integral version (integration by parts and Hölder)

Hardy’s original proof [1] [2] :§327 (ii) begins with an integration by parts to get

Then, by Hölder's inequality,

and the conclusion follows.

Integral version (scaling and Minkowski)

A change of variables gives

which is less or equal than by Minkowski's integral inequality. Finally, by another change of variables, the last expression equals

Discrete version: from the continuous version

Assuming the right-hand side to be finite, we must have as . Hence, for any positive integer j, there are only finitely many terms bigger than . This allows us to construct a decreasing sequence containing the same positive terms as the original sequence (but possibly no zero terms). Since for every n, it suffices to show the inequality for the new sequence. This follows directly from the integral form, defining if and otherwise. Indeed, one has

and, for , there holds

(the last inequality is equivalent to , which is true as the new sequence is decreasing) and thus


Discrete version: Direct proof

Let and let be positive real numbers. Set . First we prove the inequality

Let and let be the difference between the -th terms in the right-hand side and left-hand side of * , that is, . We have:


According to Young's inequality we have:

from which it follows that:

By telescoping we have:

proving * . Applying Hölder's inequality to the right-hand side of * we have:

from which we immediately obtain:

Letting we obtain Hardy's inequality.

See also


  1. 1 2 Hardy, G. H. (1920). "Note on a theorem of Hilbert". Mathematische Zeitschrift. 6 (3–4): 314–317. doi:10.1007/BF01199965. S2CID   122571449.
  2. 1 2 3 Hardy, G. H.; Littlewood, J.E.; Pólya, G. (1952). Inequalities (Second ed.). Cambridge, UK.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  3. Ruzhansky, Michael; Suragan, Durvudkhan (2019). Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups: 100 Years of Hardy Inequalities. Birkhäuser Basel. ISBN   978-3-030-02894-7.
  4. Marcus, Moshe; Mizel, Victor J.; Pinchover, Yehuda (1998). "On the best constant for Hardy's inequality in $\mathbb {R}^n$". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 350 (8): 3237–3255. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9947-98-02122-9 .
  5. Mironescu, Petru (2018). "The role of the Hardy type inequalities in the theory of function spaces" (PDF). Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées. 63 (4): 447–525.

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