Hasanbeyli inscription

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The inscription Hasanbeyli inscription (KAI 23).png
The inscription

The Hasanbeyli inscription is a Phoenician inscription on a basalt stone discovered in the village of Hasanbeyli, on the western slopes of the Amanus Mountains, in 1894. [1]

It was discovered by Felix von Luschan, who had been excavating at nearby Zincirli.

The Phoenician inscription is 5 lines long, and mentions the "king of the city of Adana", the "king of Assur" and "Awariku" (also on the Karatepe inscription). A short Greek inscription with two crosses has been overlaid; it is thought that it was used as a boundary marker during Byzantine times.

It has been dated to the 8th century BC. The stele measures 42 x 34 x 23 cm. It is currently in the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin. The inscription is known as KAI 23.


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  1. Charles Clermont-Ganneau, L'INSCRIPTION PHÉNICIENNE DE HASSAN-BEYLI, Études d'archéologie orientale