Health-related embarrassment

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Medical help may in some instances be accompanied by embarrassment.



The source of this embarrassment or its range can vary from person to person. For some the embarrassment heightens when confronted by specific characteristics, such as a doctor of the opposite sex, [1] while for others, the scope of their embarrassment may be exhaustive regardless of the social or peer group dynamics. [2] For others, the embarrassment factor may be overarching, especially when at a disadvantaged socioeconomic situation, for example one who needs financial assistance to obtain medical help. [3] In these scenarios the embarrassment may be duplicated due to a possible scenario wherein they are to be examined by both a doctor and perhaps if underage, a parent, [4] or if an adult of low socioeconomic circumstances, perhaps a social worker. [5]

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  1. Ghosh, Partha (2005). Transcultural Geriatrics: Caring for the Elderly of Indo-Asian Origin . Radcliffe. p.  32. ISBN   9781857757453.
  2. McVary, Kevin (2010). Contemporary Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide. p. 69.
  3. Medical Group Management Journal - Volumes 38-39 - Page 40, 1991
  4. Robin, Arthur (1998). ADHD in Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment . Guilford Press. p.  315. ISBN   9781572303911.
  5. Kent, Bessie (2014). Social Work Supervision in Practice. p. 25.