Hein de Baar

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Henricus "Hein" J.W. de Baar (born 18 November 1949, The Hague) [1] [2] is a Dutch professor of Oceanography. He has worked in the group of Harry Elderfield at the University of Cambridge, at the University of Groningen and at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ). [3]

De Baar studied chemical technology at Delft University of Technology (1977), after which he obtained his PhD in chemical oceanography (marine chemistry) from the WHOI-MIT Joint Program in Oceanography (1983). His thesis supervisor was Peter Brewer. [4]

He has worked at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) since 1987, where he was a senior scientist. He became a full professor at the University of Groningen in 1992. [5] He formally retired in November 2014. [6] De Baar was elected into the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2010. [3]

De Baar has supported the farming of algae for biofuel [7] and has warned about the speed at which ocean acidification intensifies. [8]

De Baar is globally well recognised for his expertise. In 2009, Nature quoted him as follows: "Ocean iron fertilization is simply no longer to be taken as a viable option for mitigation of the CO2 problem." [9]

The high-ranking scientific journal Marine Chemistry dedicated an issue to him and described him as "a chemical oceanographer who investigated the oceans with the conviction that only true integration of biology, chemistry, and physics is pivotal to understand the inner workings of the oceans. He was one of the initiators of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) and of GEOTRACES." [6]

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  1. Henricus J.W. (Hein) de Baar, 1949, Catalogus Professorum Academiae Groninganae at University of Groningen website
  2. Robert Lagendijk (10 November 2011). "Coördinator Hein de Baar: We kunnen doorgaan omdat we onszelf hebben bewezen" (in Dutch). pooljaar.nl. Archived from the original on 17 November 2015. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  3. 1 2 "Hein de Baar". Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences . Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  4. "PhD thesis" (PDF). MIT. September 1983. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  5. "Raad van toezicht" (in Dutch). Netherlands Maritime Campus. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  6. 1 2 "A tribute to the work stimulated by Hein de Baar". Marine Chemistry. 10 January 2016. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  7. "Prof. Hein de Baar: Algae produce the ideal biofuel'". University of Groningen. 15 January 2008. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  8. Maarten Keulemans (15 November 2013). "CO2-uitstoot doet oceanen in hoog tempo verzuren" (in Dutch). de Volkskrant . Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  9. Quirin Schiermeijer (28 January 2009). "Ocean fertilization: dead in the water?". Nature . 457 (7229): 521. doi:10.1038/457520b. PMID   19177092 . Retrieved 11 January 2022.