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In Ob-Ugrian mythology, Heini-iki, also referred to as Kul-iki, is the god of the Underworld and of the spirits of sickness. [1] He is opposite in nature to his brother Numi-Torum, the heavenly god. He can appear in the shape of a dog or cat, or sometimes as a fog that hides a person from their guardian spirit.

The Khanties of the Surgut area described him as black in color. Animal sacrifices to him were also to be black in color. [1] These sacrifices were to prevent illness among the people. His name was not to be spoken, especially in the presence of a sick or dying person. [2]

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  1. 1 2 Barkalaja, Anzori (2002). Sketches towards a theory of shamanism: associating the belief system of the Pim River Khanties with the Western world view. Tartu University Press. p. 112. ISBN   9789985566473.
  2. "World view of the Hanti". Archived from the original on 20 July 2011. Retrieved 2 May 2016.