Helicon Ape

Last updated
Helicon Ape
Developer(s) Helicon Tech
Stable release / 22 November 2010
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Web server
License Proprietary
Website http://www.helicontech.com/ape/

Helicon Ape is a piece of software developed by Helicon Tech to bring Apache functionality to IIS web servers. It executes as an ASP.NET module for IIS 7 (and higher versions), integrating the functionalities of over 35 Apache modules. This integration allows for the use of Apache configurations on IIS while maintaining the syntax intact, thereby extending the standard capabilities of IIS. [1]


Aside from the introduction of Apache modules, Helicon Ape provides proprietary modules for server-side debugging and profiling (mod_developer), SEO optimization (mod_linkfreeze), and hotlinking protection (mod_hotlink). [2]

Helicon Ape utilizes a graphical user interface for easy configuration (supporting directive auto-completion and spell-checking) and browsing. It also includes a regular expressions tester and a password generation utility. [3]


Below is a table of modules currently supported in Helicon Ape: [4]

Helicon Ape Modules
mod_antibotProvides HTTP frequency analyzing and DDoS protection tool.
mod_asisSend files that contain their own HTTP headers.
mod_auth_basicEnables HTTP Basic Authentication.
mod_auth_digestEnables MD5 Digest Authentication.
mod_authn_anonConfigure anonymous users access to authenticated areas.
mod_authn_dbdProvides authentication based on look-up in a SQL database.
mod_authn_defaultReject any authorization request if no authentication is configured.
mod_authn_fileProvide authentication based on user look-up in plain text password file.
mod_authz_defaultReject any authorization request if no authentication is configured.
mod_authz_groupfileAllows or denies access to particular areas of the site depending on user group membership.
mod_authz_hostAllows access control to parts of the web server based on hostname, IP address or other characteristics of the client request.
mod_authz_userAllows or denies access to portions of the web server for authenticated users.
mod_cacheAllows caching local or proxied content.
mod_coreProvides the use of Helicon Ape core features.
mod_dbdAllows for the management of SQL database connections.
mod_deflateEnables server output compression.
mod_developerAllows for the debugging of web requests.
mod_disk_cacheAllows for the use of a disk-based storage engine for mod_cache.
mod_envControls the environment provided to CGI scripts and SSI pages.
mod_evasiveAllows for the protection of sites from HTTP DoS/DDoS and brute-force attacks.
mod-expiresSets the Expires HTTP header and max-age directive of the Cache-Control HTTP header in server responses in relation to either the time the source file was last modified, or to the time of the client access.
mod_filterEnables the use of context-sensitive content filters.
mod_gzipAllows for the compression of HTTP responses.
mod_headersModifies HTTP request/response headers.
mod_hotlinkProtects content from hotlinking.
mod_linkfreezeChanges links on pages to an SEO-friendly format.
mod_log_configEnables custom logging.
mod_logioLogs the number of bytes sent/received per request.
mod_mem_cacheEnables the use of a memory-based storage engine for mod_cache.
mod_mimeAssociates filename extensions with behavior (handlers and filters) and content (MIME-type, language, character set and encoding).
mod_proxyApplies forward and reverse proxy functions.
mod_replaceAllows for the editing of HTML body and HTTP request/response headers.
mod_rewriteRewrites requested URLs on the fly based on regular expression rules and various conditions.
mod_seoAllows for the creation of SEO-friendly links on pages based on database or mapfile values.
mod_setenvifSets environment variables depending on whether different parts of the request match specified regular expressions.
mod_soEmulates the functions of loading modules.
mod_spellingCorrects misspelled URLs by performing case-insensitive checks and allowing one misspelling.
mod_usertrackTracks and logs user activity on the site using cookies.
mod_xsendfileSends the file specified by the X-SENDFILE header. [5]


Helicon Ape was designed specifically to benefit from all advantages of IIS 7 architecture, ensuring 100% operability only on IIS 7 and higher (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2). [6] While it can operate on IIS6 (Windows Server 2003), its functionality is slightly limited (see compatibility chart). [7]


There are three license types available for Helicon Ape:

See also

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  1. Bill Staples, "IIS", November 3, 2008
  2. Barb Mosher, "CMS Wire", November 6, 2009
  3. "Host Fantastic", December 21, 2009 [ permanent dead link ]
  4. https://www.helicontech.com/ape/
  5. "Peter Schmidt, "IIS Digest", November 10, 2008". Archived from the original on May 10, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
  6. "James Long, "Hello All", November 5, 2009". Archived from the original on January 25, 2010. Retrieved March 26, 2010.
  7. "Helicon Ape Compatibility Chart", Helicon Tech, 2009
  8. "Helicon Ape pricing details", Helicon Tech, 2009