Henry Woodroffe

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Henry Joseph Woodroffe was an Anglican priest in Ireland in the second half of the 19th century.

Woodroffe was educated at Trinity College, Dublin. [1] and ordained in 1870. After curacies in Boyle, Carrigaline and Queenstown (now called Cobh), he wheld incumbencies at Ballynoe, Aghern and Lislee. [2] He was Archdeacon of Ross from 1883 to 1889.


  1. "Alumni Dublinenses : a register of the students, graduates, professors and provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin (1593–1860George Dames Burtchaell/Thomas Ulick Sadleir p893: Dublin, Alex Thom and Co, 1935
  2. Crockford's Clerical Directory 1885 p 1326 London: Horace Cox, 1885