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Christ on the Cross, attributed to Willem Herregouts Chapelle Saint Sebastien Amiens 309008.jpg
Christ on the Cross, attributed to Willem Herregouts

The Flemish artist family Herregouts is believed to comprise 5 members who were artists: David Herregouts and his four sons. [1]


David Herregouts

David Herregouts, the founder of the dynasty, was a history painter born in Mechelen in 1603 as the son of Sebastian Herregouts and Elisabeth De Gorter, daughter from a brewing family. He married Cecile Geniets from a butcher's family. He was a pupil of his cousin Salmier and a member of the Guild of St. Luke in his own city in 1624. In 1646 he moved to Roermond, where in 1647 he was received a member of the Guild of St. Luke. He had a successful career in Roermond as he enjoyed the patronage of prominent clients, including the bishop. He died in Roermond in 1663. [1]

David Herregouts had four sons named Hendrik, Willem, Jan Baptist and Maximilian who became painters.

His chief work, "St. Joseph Awakened by an Angel", was painted for the church of St. Catherine in Mechelen. [1]

Hendrik Herregouts

Hendrik Herregouts (Mechelen, 1633 Antwerp, 1704) was a history and portrait painter and draughtsman with an international career spanning Italy, Germany and his native Flanders.

Willem Herregouts

Willem Herregouts (probably Mechelen 1640 - Amiens 1711) was a history painter who emigrated to Amiens in France where he was known inter alia as Guillaume Herregosse or Guillaume Hergosse and had a successful career.

Jan Baptist Herregouts

Eliezer and Rebecca at the well by Maximilian Herregouts Maximilian Herregouts - Eliezer and Rebecca at the well.jpg
Eliezer and Rebecca at the well by Maximilian Herregouts

Jan Baptist Herregouts [2] (Roermond, c. 1646 Bruges, 25 November 1721) was a portrait and history painter, etcher and brewer mainly active in Bruges. [1]

Maximilian Herregouts

Little is known about Maximilian Herregouts other than two works, one entitled Kitchen, in which a woman is busy baking pancakes (1674) and a second entitled Eliezer and Rebecca at the well. [1] [3] [4]

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Herregouts a Flemish artist family comprising 5 members who were artists: David Herregouts and his four sons as follows:


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Andries Van den Abeele, Jan-Baptist Herregouts, kunstschilder en brouwer, in: Biekorf, 1995, blz. 87-92 (in Dutch)
  2. Alternative name spellings: 'Jan Baptist Herregoudts' and 'Jan-Baptist Herregouts'
  3. E. Baes. Jean-Baptiste Herregouts in: Biographie Nationale, Volume 9, 287-288 (in French)
  4. Maximilian Herregouts (active circa 1674), Eliezer and Rebecca at the well at Christie's