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Hierombalus was a priest of Ieuo, [1] [2] mentioned in Sanchuniathon's mythistory, known only through later historian Philo of Byblos via early Christian writer Eusebius. Philo emphasizes the reliability of Sanchuniathon's historical account of the Jews by explaining that latter got his information from Hierombalus, who was a priest of the god Ieuo (Yahweh) and that Hierombalus dedicated his work to Abibalus, the king of Berytus, and was endorsed by the king's scholars. [3] [4]

The name Hierombalus (or -os) has been equated with Jerubba'al/Gideon, Hiram [5] or Yerem-Ba'al, an equivalent of Jeremiah. [6] Early commenters saw a problem with the Ba'al-theophoric name: "How can one imagine a priest of YHWH writing for the king of Beirut at the time of the Trojan War?" Baumgarten saw no stricture preventing such a thing. [7]

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