The Hill yield criterion developed by Rodney Hill, is one of several yield criteria for describing anisotropic plastic deformations. The earliest version was a straightforward extension of the von Mises yield criterion and had a quadratic form. This model was later generalized by allowing for an exponent m. Variations of these criteria are in wide use for metals, polymers, and certain composites.
The quadratic Hill yield criterion [1] has the form : Here F, G, H, L, M, N are constants that have to be determined experimentally and are the stresses. The quadratic Hill yield criterion depends only on the deviatoric stresses and is pressure independent. It predicts the same yield stress in tension and in compression.
If the axes of material anisotropy are assumed to be orthogonal, we can write
where are the normal yield stresses with respect to the axes of anisotropy. Therefore, we have
Similarly, if are the yield stresses in shear (with respect to the axes of anisotropy), we have
The quadratic Hill yield criterion for thin rolled plates (plane stress conditions) can be expressed as
where the principal stresses are assumed to be aligned with the axes of anisotropy with in the rolling direction and perpendicular to the rolling direction, , is the R-value in the rolling direction, and is the R-value perpendicular to the rolling direction.
For the special case of transverse isotropy we have and we get
Derivation of Hill's criterion for plane stress |
For the situation where the principal stresses are aligned with the directions of anisotropy we have where are the principal stresses. If we assume an associated flow rule we have This implies that For plane stress , which gives The R-value is defined as the ratio of the in-plane and out-of-plane plastic strains under uniaxial stress . The quantity is the plastic strain ratio under uniaxial stress . Therefore, we have Then, using and , the yield condition can be written as which in turn may be expressed as This is of the same form as the required expression. All we have to do is to express in terms of . Recall that, We can use these to obtain Solving for gives us Plugging back into the expressions for leads to which implies that Therefore, the plane stress form of the quadratic Hill yield criterion can be expressed as |
The generalized Hill yield criterion [2] has the form
where are the principal stresses (which are aligned with the directions of anisotropy), is the yield stress, and F, G, H, L, M, N are constants. The value of m is determined by the degree of anisotropy of the material and must be greater than 1 to ensure convexity of the yield surface.
For transversely isotropic materials with being the plane of symmetry, the generalized Hill yield criterion reduces to (with and )
The R-value or Lankford coefficient can be determined by considering the situation where . The R-value is then given by
Under plane stress conditions and with some assumptions, the generalized Hill criterion can take several forms. [3]
In 1993, Hill proposed another yield criterion [5] for plane stress problems with planar anisotropy. The Hill93 criterion has the form
where is the uniaxial tensile yield stress in the rolling direction, is the uniaxial tensile yield stress in the direction normal to the rolling direction, is the yield stress under uniform biaxial tension, and are parameters defined as
and is the R-value for uniaxial tension in the rolling direction, and is the R-value for uniaxial tension in the in-plane direction perpendicular to the rolling direction.
The original versions of Hill's yield criterion were designed for material that did not have pressure-dependent yield surfaces which are needed to model polymers and foams.
An extension that allows for pressure dependence is Caddell–Raghava–Atkins (CRA) model [6] which has the form
Another pressure-dependent extension of Hill's quadratic yield criterion which has a form similar to the Bresler Pister yield criterion is the Deshpande, Fleck and Ashby (DFA) yield criterion [7] for honeycomb structures (used in sandwich composite construction). This yield criterion has the form
In physics and materials science, elasticity is the ability of a body to resist a distorting influence and to return to its original size and shape when that influence or force is removed. Solid objects will deform when adequate loads are applied to them; if the material is elastic, the object will return to its initial shape and size after removal. This is in contrast to plasticity, in which the object fails to do so and instead remains in its deformed state.
Linear elasticity is a mathematical model as to how solid objects deform and become internally stressed by prescribed loading conditions. It is a simplification of the more general nonlinear theory of elasticity and a branch of continuum mechanics.
Mohr–Coulomb theory is a mathematical model describing the response of brittle materials such as concrete, or rubble piles, to shear stress as well as normal stress. Most of the classical engineering materials follow this rule in at least a portion of their shear failure envelope. Generally the theory applies to materials for which the compressive strength far exceeds the tensile strength.
In continuum mechanics, the maximum distortion energy criterion states that yielding of a ductile material begins when the second invariant of deviatoric stress reaches a critical value. It is a part of plasticity theory that mostly applies to ductile materials, such as some metals. Prior to yield, material response can be assumed to be of a linear elastic, nonlinear elastic, or viscoelastic behavior.
Crazing is a yielding mechanism in polymers characterized by the formation of a fine network of microvoids and fibrils. These structures typically appear as linear features and frequently precede brittle fracture. The fundamental difference between crazes and cracks is that crazes contain polymer fibrils, constituting about 50% of their volume, whereas cracks do not. Unlike cracks, crazes can transmit load between their two faces through these fibrils.
A yield surface is a five-dimensional surface in the six-dimensional space of stresses. The yield surface is usually convex and the state of stress of inside the yield surface is elastic. When the stress state lies on the surface the material is said to have reached its yield point and the material is said to have become plastic. Further deformation of the material causes the stress state to remain on the yield surface, even though the shape and size of the surface may change as the plastic deformation evolves. This is because stress states that lie outside the yield surface are non-permissible in rate-independent plasticity, though not in some models of viscoplasticity.
The T-failure criterion is a set of material failure criteria that can be used to predict both brittle and ductile failure.
Contact mechanics is the study of the deformation of solids that touch each other at one or more points. A central distinction in contact mechanics is between stresses acting perpendicular to the contacting bodies' surfaces and frictional stresses acting tangentially between the surfaces. Normal contact mechanics or frictionless contact mechanics focuses on normal stresses caused by applied normal forces and by the adhesion present on surfaces in close contact, even if they are clean and dry. Frictional contact mechanics emphasizes the effect of friction forces.
The Hosford yield criterion is a function that is used to determine whether a material has undergone plastic yielding under the action of stress.
Viscoplasticity is a theory in continuum mechanics that describes the rate-dependent inelastic behavior of solids. Rate-dependence in this context means that the deformation of the material depends on the rate at which loads are applied. The inelastic behavior that is the subject of viscoplasticity is plastic deformation which means that the material undergoes unrecoverable deformations when a load level is reached. Rate-dependent plasticity is important for transient plasticity calculations. The main difference between rate-independent plastic and viscoplastic material models is that the latter exhibit not only permanent deformations after the application of loads but continue to undergo a creep flow as a function of time under the influence of the applied load.
The Drucker–Prager yield criterion is a pressure-dependent model for determining whether a material has failed or undergone plastic yielding. The criterion was introduced to deal with the plastic deformation of soils. It and its many variants have been applied to rock, concrete, polymers, foams, and other pressure-dependent materials.
The Bresler–Pister yield criterion is a function that was originally devised to predict the strength of concrete under multiaxial stress states. This yield criterion is an extension of the Drucker–Prager yield criterion and can be expressed on terms of the stress invariants as
The Willam–Warnke yield criterion is a function that is used to predict when failure will occur in concrete and other cohesive-frictional materials such as rock, soil, and ceramics. This yield criterion has the functional form
Material failure theory is an interdisciplinary field of materials science and solid mechanics which attempts to predict the conditions under which solid materials fail under the action of external loads. The failure of a material is usually classified into brittle failure (fracture) or ductile failure (yield). Depending on the conditions most materials can fail in a brittle or ductile manner or both. However, for most practical situations, a material may be classified as either brittle or ductile.
The Tsai–Wu failure criterion is a phenomenological material failure theory which is widely used for anisotropic composite materials which have different strengths in tension and compression. The Tsai-Wu criterion predicts failure when the failure index in a laminate reaches 1. This failure criterion is a specialization of the general quadratic failure criterion proposed by Gol'denblat and Kopnov and can be expressed in the form
Sandwich theory describes the behaviour of a beam, plate, or shell which consists of three layers—two facesheets and one core. The most commonly used sandwich theory is linear and is an extension of first-order beam theory. The linear sandwich theory is of importance for the design and analysis of sandwich panels, which are of use in building construction, vehicle construction, airplane construction and refrigeration engineering.
In solid mechanics, the Johnson–Holmquist damage model is used to model the mechanical behavior of damaged brittle materials, such as ceramics, rocks, and concrete, over a range of strain rates. Such materials usually have high compressive strength but low tensile strength and tend to exhibit progressive damage under load due to the growth of microfractures.
In continuum mechanics, plate theories are mathematical descriptions of the mechanics of flat plates that draw on the theory of beams. Plates are defined as plane structural elements with a small thickness compared to the planar dimensions. The typical thickness to width ratio of a plate structure is less than 0.1. A plate theory takes advantage of this disparity in length scale to reduce the full three-dimensional solid mechanics problem to a two-dimensional problem. The aim of plate theory is to calculate the deformation and stresses in a plate subjected to loads.
The theory of micro-mechanics of failure aims to explain the failure of continuous fiber reinforced composites by micro-scale analysis of stresses within each constituent material, and of the stresses at the interfaces between those constituents, calculated from the macro stresses at the ply level.
In continuum mechanics, stress triaxiality is the relative degree of hydrostatic stress in a given stress state. It is often used as a triaxiality factor, T.F, which is the ratio of the hydrostatic stress, , to the Von Mises equivalent stress, .