Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952

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Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952
  • An Act relating to the powers and privileges of the Houses of Parliament, freedom of speech and debate or proceedings in such Houses and protection to persons employed in the publication of papers of such Houses.
Citation Act 347
Territorial extentThroughout Malaysia
Enacted1952 (F.M. Ord. No. 15 of 1952)
Revised: 1988 (Act 347 w.e.f. 6 October 1988)
Effective 29 May 1952
Parliamentary privilege
Status: In force

The Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952 (Malay : Akta Majlis Parlimen (Keistimewaan dan Kuasa) 1952), is a Malaysian laws which enacted relating to the powers and privileges of the Houses of Parliament, freedom of speech and debate or proceedings in such Houses and protection to persons employed in the publication of papers of such Houses.



The Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952, in its current form (1 January 2006), consists of only 34 sections and no schedule (including no amendment), without separate Parts.

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