How Civilizations Die

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How Civilizations Die
How Civilizations Die.jpg
Author David P. Goldman
CountryUnited States
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher Regnery Publishing
Publication date
September 2011
Media type hardcover
ISBN 978-1-59698-273-4
CB151.G64 2011
LC Class 909’.09767--dc23

How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too) is a book written by the author and economist David P. Goldman, published on September 19, 2011 by Regnery Publishing. It discusses the declining in birthrates of both Europe and Islamic nations. [1] In his view the decline in birthrates leads to the passive attitude of Europe, and the aggressive and violent attitude of the Islamic world, not from a stand of power, but from a point of desperate action. Most of the book is based on articles he published under the pseudonym "Spengler" on the Asia Times newspaper.

Book Structure

The book consists three parts:

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">David P. Goldman</span>

David Paul Goldman is an American economist, music critic, and author, best known for his series of online essays in the Asia Times under the pseudonym Spengler with the first column published January 1, 2000. The pseudonym is an allusion to German historian Oswald Spengler, whose most famous work, Decline of the West (1918), asserted that Western civilization was already dying. Goldman says that he writes from a Judeo-Christian perspective and often focuses on demographic and economic factors in his analyses; he says his subject matter proceeds "from the theme formulated by [Franz] Rosenzweig: the mortality of nations and its causes, Western secularism, Asian anomie, and unadaptable Islam." On March 14, 2015, Goldman and longtime Asia Times associate Uwe Von Parpart joined an investor group that took control of Asia Times HK Ltd. He became Deputy Editor (Business) at Asia Times in 2020. Goldman was global head of credit strategy at Credit Suisse 1999-2002, Global Head of Fixed Income Research for Bank of America 2002-2005, and Global Head of Fixed Income Research at Cantor Fitzgerald 2005-2008. He subsequently was a partner at Yunfeng Financial in Hong Kong, an investment bank later acquired by Jack Ma. He continues to advise CEOs and institutional investors. He is a regular contributor to Claremont Review of Books, Law and Liberty, Tablet Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and First Things.

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  1. "Book Review: David Goldman's "How Civilizations Die"". Forbes. 2011-09-22. Retrieved 2013-11-30.