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Example of a gridded numerical modeling system. HyCOM uses mainly the ocean portion of what is shown in this example. AtmosphericModelSchematic.png
Example of a gridded numerical modeling system. HyCOM uses mainly the ocean portion of what is shown in this example.

The Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HyCOM) is an open-source ocean general circulation modeling system. [1] HyCOM is a primitive equation type of ocean general circulation model. The vertical levels of this modeling system are slightly different than other models, because the vertical coordinates remain isopycnic in the open stratified ocean, smoothly transitioning to z-level coordinates in the weakly stratified upper-ocean mixed layer, to terrain-following sigma coordinates in shallow water regions, and back to z-level coordinates in very shallow water. [2] [3] [4] Therefore, the setup is a “hybrid” between z-level and terrain-following vertical levels. HyCOM outputs are provided online for the global ocean at a spatial resolution of 0.08 degrees (approximately 9 km) from 2003 to present. HyCOM uses netCDF data format for model outputs. [5]



HyCOM model experiments are used to study the interactions between the ocean and atmosphere, including short-term and long-term processes. This modeling system has also been used to create forecasting tools. For example, HyCOM has been used to:

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Helene Hewitt is a British climate scientist who is a research fellow at the Met Office. Her research considers climate and ocean models. Hewitt serves on the CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel. She was awarded an Order of the British Empire in the 2022 Birthday Honours.


  1. "HYCOM Overview". HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS). Consortium for Data Assimilative Modeling.
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