Impy II

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Statuette of Impy. Louvre E 17365, room 636 Impy priest of Ptah-E 17365-Impy priest of Ptah-E 17365-IMG 2934-gradient.jpg
Statuette of Impy. Louvre E 17365, room 636

Impy (also called Imephor) with the good name Nikauptah was High Priest of Ptah at the end of the ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom or First Intermediate Period. He is mainly known from his tomb and from a statuette now in the Louvre. [2] [1] His main monument is his recently excavated tomb at Kom el-Khamaseen, a small cemetery near Saqqara, about 3 km west of the pyramid of Djedkare Izezi. Decorated blocks from his tomb chapel appeared around 2009 on the art market. The tomb itself was excavated in 2019 and 2021. [3]

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  1. 1 2 Louvre E 17365
  2. Delange, Elisabeth 1987. Catalogue des statues égyptiennes du Moyen Empire, 2060-1560 avant J.-C. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux ISBN 2711821617, pp. 180-181 (Louvre E 17365)
  3. Josep Cervelló, Daniel González Leónː A Memphite High Priest at the Fall of the Old Kingdom, in Egyptian Archaeology 62, Spring 203, pp. 8-12