Induced-self antigen

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Induced-self antigen is a marker of abnormal self, which can be recognized upon infected (in particular, virus-infected) and transformed cells. Therefore, the recognition of "induced self" is an important strategy for surveillance of infection or tumor transformation - it results in elimination of the affected cells by activated NK cells or other immunological mechanisms. [1] Similarly γδ T cells can recognize induced-self antigens expressed on cells under stress conditions. [2]



Probably the most studied receptor involved in recognition of induced-self antigens is NKG2D. It is an activating receptor which is expressed on NK cells and subsets of T and NKT cells. NKG2D can bind proteins at the surface of most cells that are not normally expressed, but that are expressed during a stress response of the cells (e.g. induction of the DNA damage pathway). Moreover, other recognition targets exist, for example ligands induced on human macrophages by TLR stimulation. [3] Ligands that bind to NKG2D receptor can be divided into two families of MHC class I-related proteins: MICs (MICA, MICB) and ULBPs (ULBP1, ULBP2, ULBP3, ULBP4, RAET1G, RAET1L). [4]

Other receptors able to bind induced-self antigens are NKG2C, NKG2E, NKG2F (CD94) or some NCRs (e.g. NKp 46 [5] ).

Tumor targeting

Practical use of the knowledge of induced-self antigens is in targeting tumors for immune response. As tumors are very often capable of escaping the immune system by many ways, upregulation of specific ligands on the tumor cells could mount effective immune mechanisms able to eliminate these cells. For example, upregulation of NKG2D ligands can stimulate the NK cells triggering cell-mediated cytotoxicity. [6]

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Killer activation receptor

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NKG2D is an activating receptor (transmembrane protein) belonging to the NKG2 family of C-type lectin-like receptors. NKG2D is encoded by KLRK1 (killer cell lectin like receptor K1) gene which is located in the NK-gene complex (NKC) situated on chromosome 6 in mice and chromosome 12 in humans. In mice, it is expressed by NK cells, NK1.1+ T cells, γδ T cells, activated CD8+ αβ T cells and activated macrophages. In humans, it is expressed by NK cells, γδ T cells and CD8+ αβ T cells. NKG2D recognizes induced-self proteins from MIC and RAET1/ULBP families which appear on the surface of stressed, malignant transformed, and infected cells.

CD94/NKG2 is a family of C-type lectin receptors which are expressed predominantly on the surface of NK cells and a subset of CD8+ T-lymphocyte. These receptors stimulate or inhibit cytotoxic activity of NK cells, therefore they are divided into activating and inhibitory receptors according to their function. CD94/NKG2 recognize nonclassical MHC glycoproteins class I (HLA-E in human and Qa-1 molecules in the mouse).

Adaptive natural killer (NK) cells or memory-like NK cells is sub-population of differentiated specialized natural killer cells that have the potential to form immunological memory. Adaptive NK cells have been identified in both humans and mice. The term adaptive NK cells stems from their described immunological behaviour, which parallels functions of the adaptive immune system including dynamic expansions of defined subsets of cells and protective memory responses.


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