International Centre for Policy Studies

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The International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS) is an independent NGO, founded in 1994 [1] which aims to promote public policy concepts and practice and apply them to influential policy research that affects both the public and private sectors in Ukraine. [2]



Promotion of reforms, democratic principles of governance, and social transformations in Ukraine.

Main focus areas:


ICPS was founded in 1994 upon the initiative of the Prague-based Open Society Institute (OSI). At that moment, ICPS was the first independent think-tank in Ukraine. Its mission was to analyse economic policy and prepare long-term forecasts for the Government and President of Ukraine.

Implemented projects

Over the past 24 years, ICPS has successfully completed a large number of projects in political and economic spheres aimed at increasing Ukraine's capacity in the world. During 2015-2018 the ICPS implemented 39 projects in the areas of reforms, reintegration and modernization of Ukraine. Several of those projects covered all the regions of the country.

List of implemented projects in 2015 – 2018:

Supporting reforms focus:

Conflict resolution focus:

Constitutional process focus:

Gender equality focus:

Fight against corruption focus:

Leaders of Change focus:

Regular Publications

Regular activities

Membership/affiliations in professional associations/organizations

Major donors (2015 – 2018)

International recognition

2017: ICPS was ranked by 2017 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2016: ICPS was ranked by 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2015: ICPS was ranked by 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2014: ICPS was ranked by 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2012: ICPS was ranked by 2012 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2010: ICPS won a PASOS competition for policy studies among PASOS members on the topic “Civil Society and the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)”;

2010: ICPS was ranked by 2010 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2009: ICPS was ranked by 2009 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report prepared at the University of Pennsylvania (USA):

2009: ICPS was ranked the best predictor of the dollar exchange rate among companies by the Credit Rating Agency.

2008: ICPS was ranked among the top 228 think-tanks in the world, out of 5080, by the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI).

2005: ICPS was recognized as the most successful think-tank in Ukraine by the Global Development Network.

Major international partners

Related Research Articles

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  1. "Foreign Policy Research Institute International Centre for Policy Studies". Archived from the original on 2011-08-31. Retrieved 2011-05-20.
  2. NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks International Centre for Policy Studies