International Confederation of Musicians

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The International Confederation of Musicians (ICM) was a global union federation bringing together trade unions representing musicians.

The confederation was established on 11 May 1904, at a conference in Paris. [1] After World War I, it affiliated to the International Federation of Trade Unions. By 1922, its affiliates had a total of 52,550 members, but it appears to have dissolved soon afterwards. [2] After World War II, a new International Federation of Musicians was established. [3]


In 1922, the following unions were affiliated: [2]

Federation of Musical ArtistsBelgium6,000
Dutch Musical Artists' Union Netherlands2,000
Portugal ?
South Africa ?
Swiss Musicians' Union Switzerland800
Musicians' Union United Kingdom18,000

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  1. "International Confederation of Musicians". Yearbook of International Organisations. UIA. Retrieved 4 November 2020.
  2. 1 2 The American Labor Yearbook. New York: Rand School of Social Science. 1924. p. 269.
  3. Yearbook of International Organizations. 1997.