Global union federation

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A global union federation (GUF) is an international federation of national trade unions organizing in specific industry sectors or occupational groups. Historically, such federations in the social democratic tradition described as international trade secretariats (ITS), [1] while those in the Christian democratic tradition described themselves as international trade federations. Equivalent sectoral bodies linked to the World Federation of Trade Unions described themselves as trade union internationals.


Many unions are members of one or more global union federations, relevant to the sectors where they have their members. Individual unions may also be affiliated to a national trade union centre, which in turn can be affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) or the WFTU.

Current federations

FederationAcronymHeadquartersPresent [a] Ref.
Building and Wood Workers' International BWI Geneva 2005 [2]
Education International EI Brussels 1992 [3]
Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations FICSAGeneva1952
FIFPro FIFProHoofddoorp1965
IndustriALL Global Union IndustriAllGeneva2012
International Affiliation of Writers' Guilds IAWGToronto1986
International Arts and Entertainment Alliance IAEABrussels1997
International Domestic Workers Federation IDWF Hong Kong 2013 [4]
International Federation of Actors FIABrussels1952
International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations IFALPAMontreal1948
International Federation of Journalists IFJBrussels1926 [5]
International Federation of Musicians FIMParis1948
International Transport Workers' Federation ITF London 1896 [6]
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations IUFGeneva1920 [7]
Public Services International PSI Ferney-Voltaire 1907 [6]
UNI Global Union UNI Nyon 2000 [8]

Former secretariats

Carpenters' International 19031925Merged into IFBWW [9]
Communications International CI19202000Merged into UNI [8]
International Agitation Commission of Carvers 18951919Merged into IUW
International Commission for Railwaymen 18931898Merged into ITF [6]
International Commercial Employees' Secretariat 19091914Dissolved
International Committee of Entertainment and Media Unions ICEMU19922000Dormant [8] [10]
International Confederation of Musicians ICM19041920sDissolved
International Federation of Bookbinders and Kindred Trades 19071949Merged into IGF [8]
International Federation of Bakery Workers 19071920Merged into IUF [7]
International Federation of Brewery Workers 18961920Merged into IUF [7]
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers IFBWW19342005Merged into BWI [2] [9]
International Federation of Building Workers IFBW19031934Merged into IFBWW [9]
International Federation of Chemical and General Workers' Unions ICEF19071995Merged into ICEM [11]
International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions ICEM19952012Merged into IndustriALL [11] [ citation needed ]
International Federation of Civil Servants 19251935Merged into PSI [6]
International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees FIET19211999Merged into UNI [8]
International Federation of Enginemen and Firemen 19271939Dissolved
International Federation of Foundry Workers IFF19491954Dissolved
International Federation of Free Teachers' Unions IFFTU19511992Merged into EI [3]
International Federation of Furriers 18941925Merged into IGWF [12]
International Federation of Glass Workers 19081930sDissolved
International Federation of Lithographers, Lithographic Printers and Kindred Trades 18971949Merged into IGF [8]
International Federation of Meat Workers 19131920Merged into IUF [7]
International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers IFPCW19541976Dissolved [11]
International Federation of Plantation and Agricultural Workers IFPAW19601994Merged into IUF [7]
International Federation of Pottery Workers IFPW19051935Merged into ICEF [11] [13]
International Federation of Saddlers' Unions 19061921Merged into the ISLWF [12]
International Federation of Secondary Teachers FIPESO19121993Merged into EI
International Federation of Teachers' Associations IFTA19261993Merged into EI
International Federation of Textile Workers' Associations IFTWA18931960Merged into ITGWF
International Federation of Tobacco Workers IFTW18891958Merged into PWIF
International Federation of Trade Unions of Audio-Visual Workers FISTAV19741993Merged into MEI
International Federation of Variety Artists IFVA19521970Merged into FIA
International Garment Workers' Federation IGWF18931960Merged into ITGWF [12]
International Graphical Federation IGF19492000Merged into UNI [8]
International Landworkers' Federation ILF19201960Merged into IFPAW
International Mercantile Marine Officers' Association IMMOA19261965Merged into ITF
International Metalworkers' Federation IMF18932012Merged into IndustriALL [9] [ citation needed ]
International Seafarers' Federation ISF19181930sDissolved
International Secretariat of Arts, Communications, Media and Entertainment Trade Unions ISETU19651993Merged into MEI [8]
International Secretariat of Foundry Workers 18981904Merged into IMF [9]
International Secretariat of the Glass Workers IGWU18921900Dissolved [11] [14]
International Secretariat of Painters and Allied Trades 19111946Merged into IFBWW [9]
International Secretariat of Potters 19071922Merged into IFBW
International Secretariat of Stone Workers 19031946Merged into IFBWW [9]
International Secretariat of Stone Setters 19041923Merged into ISSM
International Shoe and Leather Workers' Federation ISLWF19071970Merged into ITGLWF [12]
International Textile and Garment Workers' Federation ITGWF19601970Merged into ITGLWF [12]
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation ITGLWF19702012Merged into IndustriALL [12] [ citation needed ]
International Typographers' Secretariat ITS18891949Merged into IGF [8]
International Union of Hatters 19001939Dissolved
International Union of Hairdressers 19071939Dissolved [8] [ citation needed ]
International Union of Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Workers IUHR19081961Merged into IUF [7]
International Union of Leather Workers 18911921Merged into the ISLWF [12]
International Union of Wood Workers IUW19041934Merged into IFBWW [9]
Media and Entertainment International MEI19932000Merged into UNI [8]
Plantation Workers International Federation PWIF19571960Merged into IFPAW [7]
Miners' International Federation MIF18901995Merged into ICEM [11]
Teachers' International Trade Secretariat ITST19271946Merged into FISE
Universal Alliance of Diamond Workers UADW19052000Merged into ICEM [11]
World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession WCOTP19511992Merged into EI [3]
World Confederation of Teachers WCT19632007Merged into EI[ citation needed ]
World Federation of Building and Woodworkers' Unions WFBW19372005Merged into BWI [2] [15]
World Federation of Industry Workers WFIW19852007Merged into ICEM
World Organisation of the Teaching Profession WOTP19231951Merged into WCOTP

See also


  1. Indicates year current name adopted


  1. Rojot 2006 , p. 258.
  2. 1 2 3 Chen 2005 , p. 81.
  3. 1 2 3 Gries 2001 , p. 86.
  4. Fish, Jennifer (2017). Domestic Workers of the World Unite! A Global Movement for Dignity and Human Rights. New York: NYU Press.
  5. Gries 2001 , p. 88
  6. 1 2 3 4 Gries 2001 , p. 89
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gries 2001 , p. 91
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gries 2001 , p. 92-93
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gries 2001 , p. 90.
  10. UIA 1999 , online.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gries 2001 , p. 87.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gries 2001 , pp. 88–89.
  13. BurchillRoss 1977 , p. 186.
  14. Sassenbach 1926 , p. 102.
  15. UIA 2006 , online.



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