World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession

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World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession
Successor Education International (EI)

The World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP) was a global union federation bringing together trade unions representing teachers.



19th Assembly of Delegates of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, Sydney Town Hall, August 1970 WCOTP 19th Assembly 1970 Sydney.jpg
19th Assembly of Delegates of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, Sydney Town Hall, August 1970

The federation was established in 1952, with the merger of the International Federation of Secondary Teachers (FIPESO), the International Federation of Teachers' Associations (IFTA), and the World Organisation of the Teaching Profession (WOTP), the three main international federations of teachers. FIPESO and the IFTA became sections of the new organisation, while the WOTP was dissolved into it. [1]

The federation aimed to promote the consolidation of teachers' unions, to have one in each country, to support its members, and to exchange professional knowledge. For many years, it had around 140 members, plus sixty associate members and five specialist international members. These international members were the International Association for School Librarianship, the International Council on Education for Teaching, the International Council on Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and the International Reading Association. [1]

At the end of 1992, the federation merged with the International Federation of Free Teachers' Unions, to form Education International. [2]


In 1979, the following unions were affiliated to the federation: [1]

UnionCountryAffiliated membership
Australian Teachers' FederationAustralia104,404
Verband der Professoren OesterreichsAustria1,500
Bangladesh College Teachers' AssociationBangladesh10,320
Barbados Secondary Teachers' UnionBarbados230
Barbados Union of TeachersBarbados1,200
Fédération de l'enseignement moyen officiel du degré superieur de BelgiqueBelgium1,000
Fédération générale du personnel enseignantBelgium3,362
Belize National Teachers Union Belize500
Amalgamated Bermuda Union of Teachers Bermuda650
Botswana Teachers' UnionBotswana265
Associacao Brasileira de EducacaoBrazil1,000
Confederacao dos Professores do BrasilBrazil20,150
British Virgin Islands Teachers' AssociationBritish Virgin Islands100
Brunei Malay Teachers' AssociationBrunei1,344
Canadian Teachers' Federation Canada212,874
China Education SocietyTaiwan500
Asociacion Nacional de EducadoresCosta Rica18,000
Danmarks LaererforeningDenmark46,492
Gymanasieskolernes LaererforeningDenmark3,400
Solidaridad de Maestras SalvadorenasEl Salvador1,000
Fiji Teachers' UnionFiji1,600
Fijian Teachers' AssociationFiji1,800
Opettajien AmmattijarjestoFinland35,866
Svenska Finlands LärarförbundFinland1,700
Syndicat national de l'enseignement techniqueFrance11,000
Syndicat national des enseignements de second degreFrance45,500
Syndicat national des personnels de direction des éstablishments de l'enseignement secondaireFrance2,926
Syndicat national des Professeurs des Ecoles normalesFrance1,500
Gambia Teachers' UnionGambia400
Deutscher LehrerverbandWest Germany120,500
Ghana National Association of Teachers Ghana22,000
Assistant Masters' Association United Kingdom40,000
Association of Assistant Mistresses United Kingdom33,300
Association of Head MistressesUnited Kingdom765
Head Masters' AssociationUnited Kingdom1,855
National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education United Kingdom40,000
National Union of Teachers United Kingdom196,164
Educational Institute of Scotland United Kingdom45,527
Ulster Teachers' Union United Kingdom3,664
Federation of Primary Teachers of GreeceGreece15,000
Guyana Association of Masters and MistressesGuyana128
Guyana Teachers' AssociationGuyana2,472
Colegio Profesional 'Superacion Magisterial' HondurenoHonduras3,133
Hong Kong Teachers' AssociationHong Kong1,041
Felag menntaskolakennaraIceland140
Samband Islenzkra BarnakennaraIceland1,086
All-India Federation of Educational AssociationsIndia450,000
Persatuan Guru Republik IndonesiaIndonesia256,800
Iran Teachers' AssociationIran6,000
Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland3,000
Irish National Teachers' Organisation Ireland18,670
Association of Secondary School TeachersIsrael6,000
Israel Teachers' UnionIsrael25,040
Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Scoule MedieItaly1,000
Sindicato Nazionale scuola mediaItaly8,000
Syndicat national de l'enseignement primaire public de Cóte de'IvoireCote d'IvoireUnknown
Jamaica Teachers' Association Jamaica14,000
Japan Education AssociationJapan35,000
Japan Teachers Union Japan381,000
Kenya National Union of TeachersKenya38,200
Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations South Korea60,000
Syndicat des enseignants des écoles privéesLebanon7,000
National Teachers' Association of LiberiaLiberia2,500
Association des instituteurs réunisLuxembourg1,800
Association des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire et supérieurLuxembourg600
General Federation of Teachers of Luxembourg Luxembourg460
Fédération des Syndicats des Fonctionnaires des Affaires CulturellesMadagascar1,850
National Union of the Teaching ProfessionMalaysia8,000
Sabah Teachers' UnionMalaysia1,000
Sarawak Teachers' UnionMalaysia1,200
Syndicat National de l'Education et de la CultureMali3,000
Malta Union of TeachersMalta2,500
Secondary School Teachers' AssociationMalta310
Dutch Association of Teachers Netherlands14,674
New Zealand Educational Institute New Zealand17,558
Post Primary Teachers' Association New Zealand9,300
Nigeria Union of Teachers Nigeria150,000
Norsk LaererlagNorway34,200
Norsk LektorlagNorway7,125
Magisterio Panameno UnidoPanama1,620
Papua New Guinea Teachers' AssociationPapua New Guinea9,800
Federacion de Educadores del ParaguayParaguay1,704
Philippine Public School Teachers' AssociationPhilippines147,000
Rhodesia African Teachers' AssociationRhodesia1,898
Rhodesia Teachers' AssociationRhodesia2,329
Sierra Leone Teachers' UnionSierra Leone4,850
Singapore Chinese Middle School Teachers' UnionSingapore500
Singapore Chinese School Teachers' UnionSingapore1,200
Singapore Malay Teachers' UnionSingapore782
Singapore Tamil Teachers' UnionSingapore150
Singapore Teachers' UnionSingapore7,000
African Teachers' Association of South Africa South Africa20,000
Federacion de Trabajadores de la Ensenanza del Estado EspanolSpainUnknown
All-Ceylon Union of TeachersSri Lanka1,200
Swaziland National Association of TeachersSwaziland800
Lärarhögskolornas och Seminariernas AmneslärarföreningSweden700
Lärar RiksförbundSweden17,773
Svenska FacklärarförbundetSweden37,042
Swedish Teachers' Union Sweden57,159
Tekniska Linjers LärarförbundSweden500
Schweizerischer LehrervereinSwitzerland19,000
Société pédagogique de la Suisse romandeSwitzerland6,100
Société suisse des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaireSwitzerland3,560
Education SocietyThailand510
Syndicat des enseignants laiques du TogoTogo1,500
Tonga Teachers' AssociationTonga222
Trinidad and Tobago Teachers' UnionTrinidad and Tobago6,000
Syndicat national de l'enseignement primarie en TunisieTunisia3,000
Uganda Teachers' AssociationUganda4,000
National Education Association United States1,400,000
Organisation libre des enseignants africains de Haute-VoltaUpper Volta185
Asociacion de Profesores de Ensenanza SecundariaUruguay1,200
Union de Funcionarios Docentes y Administrativos de la Universidad del TrabajoUruguay1,200
Caribbean Union of Teachers West Indies25,000
Zambia National Union of TeachersZambia13,000


General Secretaries

1952: William George Carr
1970: John M. Thompson
1980: Norman Goble
1989: Robert Harris


1952: Ronald Gould
1970: William George Carr
1975: Wilhelm Ebert
1978: Motofumi Makieda
1981: Jim Killeen
1986: Joseph Itotoh

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  1. 1 2 3 Coldrick, Percy; Jones, Philip (1979). The International Directory of the Trade Union Movement. New York: Facts on File. pp. 223–233. ISBN   0871963744.
  2. Potts, Patricia (1995). Equality and Diversity in Education. Psychology Press. ISBN   0415119987.