International Moss Stock Center

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Cryopreservation container connected with a tank full of liquid nitrogen for automatic supply of liquid nitrogen. The container temperature is monitored by a computer-based program. Freezers for cryopreservation at IMSC.JPG
Cryopreservation container connected with a tank full of liquid nitrogen for automatic supply of liquid nitrogen. The container temperature is monitored by a computer-based program.
Four different ecotypes of Physcomitrella patens stored at the IMSC. Ecotypes of Physcomitrella patens.JPG
Four different ecotypes of Physcomitrella patens stored at the IMSC.

The International Moss Stock Center (IMSC) is a biorepository which is specialized in collecting, preserving and distributing moss plants of a high value of scientific research. The IMSC is located at the Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Biotechnology, at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany.


Moss collection

The moss collection of the IMSC currently includes various ecotypes of Physcomitrella patens , Physcomitrium and Funaria as well as several transgenic and mutant lines of Physcomitrella patens , including knockout mosses.

Storage conditions

The long-term storage of moss samples in the IMSC is carried out via cryopreservation in the gas phase of liquid nitrogen at temperatures below −135 °C in special freezer containers. It has been shown for Physcomitrella patens that the regeneration rate after cryopreservation is 100%. [1]

Trackable accession numbers which may be used for citation purposes in publications are automatically assigned to all samples.

Financial support

The IMSC is supported financially by the Chair Plant Biotechnology of Prof. Ralf Reski and the Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (bioss).

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  1. Schulte, J., R. Reski (2004): High-throughput cryopreservation of 140,000 Physcomitrella patens mutants. Plant Biology 6, 119-127.

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