International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences

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International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS)
The official logo of the International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences.jpg
The official ISCOMS logo
VenueUniversity Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
Location(s) Groningen, Netherlands
CountryThe Netherlands
  • Presenting participants:


  • Non-presenting participants:


Website Official website

The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences, also known as ISCOMS, is an annually held student congress on biomedical sciences. The primary aim of ISCOMS is getting medical students acquainted with research and its many elements. 603 participants from 54 countries attended the 31st edition of ISCOMS in 2024. The 32nd edition of ISCOMS will take place from the 2nd to the 5th of June, 2025. [1]



ISCOMS started as a congress for medical students in Groningen, named "Studenten Congres Geneeskunde". In 2003, the Student Congres Geneeskunde changed to an international congress with the name International Student Congress of Medicine. In 2004 the name was changed to ISCOMS. In 2010, the name was changed to the International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences, to show that it is a congress for students in all biomedical fields.


ISCOMS takes place at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest hospitals in the world, offering supraregional tertiary care to the northern part of the Netherlands. The medical center employs almost 17.000 people, numbers almost 1.400 beds and is affiliated with the University of Groningen.

Congress structure

The congress is for (bio)medical students who are interested in research. Students may be either presenting or non-presenting participants. If a participant wants to present their research, they are required to submit their abstract beforehand. A strict selection procedure takes place and only the best students are invited to present their research at ISCOMS. Nonetheless, everybody is welcome to ISCOMS to attend the keynote lectures and to participate in workshops.

When accepted, participants are divided into different sessions in which they present their research. This may be either through a poster presentation, or an oral presentation where students can present their research using a slideshow presentation. In both sessions other students and professionals from the UMCG listen and discuss the research. Thirdly, there is a plenary session, during which the eight best abstracts will be presented in the primary lecture hall of the UMCG.

The congress also holds pre-course masterclasses about research skills, and a great variety of workshops during the congress days on practical skills. Besides that, ISCOMS offers keynote lectures from renowned scientists presenting their research to the participants.

Moreover, ISCOMS offers an extensive social programme, where all the participants have the opportunity to get to know each other and the ISCOMS organising committees. Finally, there is a post-congress tour visiting parts of the Netherlands.

Keynote Speakers ISCOMS 2025

ISCOMS yearKeynote speakerResearch
2025Prof. Hans Clevers, MD PhDAdvanced stem cell research and pioneered the development of organoids for medical research
2025Prof. Peter Hegemann, PhDDiscovered light-sensitive proteins and contributed to the development of optogenetics for controlling neuron activity with light
2025Prof. David Huang, MD PhDPioneered Optical Coherence Tomography, a revolutionary imaging technique for detailed visualisation of tissues like the retina
2025Prof. Awa Marie Coll-Seck, MD PhDLed global health initiatives to combat malaria, HIV, and AIDS while promoting health equity
2025Prof. Svetlana Mojsov, PhDDeveloped glucagon-like peptide-1 therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

Nobel Prize laureates at ISCOMS

Nobel Prize laureates who have given a keynote lecture during one of the previous ISCOMS editions.

ISCOMS yearNobel Prize laureateResearch
2024Prof. Brian Kobilka MD PhD, Nobel Laureate 2012Structural insights into G protein coupled receptor activation
2022Regental Prof. Bruce Beutler MD, Nobel Laureate 2011From phenotypes to genes in immunity
2021Prof. Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe MD, Nobel Laureate 2019Understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms: implications for medicine
2019Prof. Mario R. Capecchi PhD, Nobel Laureate 2007Mouse models of human disease from cancer to neuropsychiatric disorders
2017Prof. Ben L. Feringa PhD, Nobel Laureate 2017The development of multistage chiral catalysts
2017Sir R.T. Hunt PhD, Nobel Laureate 2001The discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle
2016Prof. Stefan W. Hell PhD, Nobel Laureate 2014Overcoming Abbe's diffraction-limited resolution barrier in a light-focusing fluorescence microscope
2015Prof. Martin Chalfie PhD, Nobel Laureate 2008The discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP
2014Prof. Ada E. Yonath PhD, Nobel Laureate 2009Studies of the structure and function of the ribosome
2012Prof. Mario Capecchi, Nobel Laureate 2007The discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells
2011Prof. H. zur Hausen, Nobel Laureate 2008The discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer
2011Sir R.T. Hunt PhD, Nobel Laureate 2001The discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle
2009Prof. Ferid Murad MD PhD, Nobel Laureate 1998The discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system
2009Prof. Robin Warren MD PhD, Nobel Laureate 2005The discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease
2008Prof. Gunter Blobel MD PhD, Nobel Laureate 1999The prize for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell

Other remarkable keynote speakers at ISCOMS

ISCOMS yearKeynote speakerResearch
2023Prof. Robert S. Langer ScDFrom nanotechnology to mRNA therapies, and what’s to come: How overcoming scepticism and barriers led to new cancer and heart disease treatments, vaccines, and ways to tackle global health challenges
2023Prof. Maria Yazdanbakhsh PhDThe immunological footprints generated by different environmental factors and their importance in vaccine research
2022Prof. Jeffrey M. Friedman MD PhDLeptin and the regulation of food intake and body weight
2022Prof. Karl Deisseroth MD PhDInner workings of channelrhodopsins and brains
2021Prof. Ellen Roche PhDTherapeutic strategies for cardiac disease using soft materials, structures and devices
2019Prof. Andrea B. Maier MD PhDThe future of age
2018Prof. Ugur Sahin MD PhDThe identification and characterisation of new target molecules (antigens) for immunotherapy in cancer tumors

This year's theme

The theme for ISCOMS 2025 is ‘Harmonious Healthcare’, addressing the global challenges related to the environment, climate change, conflict, and healthcare. We will focus on the collaboration between the Global North and Global South. These concepts refer to the diverse socio-economic landscapes of our world. In the developing countries of the Global South, there is a young and dynamic population with great potential for innovative ideas. Meanwhile, the Global North has advanced technological knowledge, but its population is ageing. Our core question is: how can these two worlds strengthen each other in a harmonious and beneficial way? We aim to approach these complex global issues with optimism to find solutions together. Harmonious Healthcare represents the alignment of various topics aimed at bringing together diverse backgrounds and talents.

Organisational structure

The organisation of ISCOMS consists of (bio)medical students from the University of Groningen. There are nine Executive Board members and 25 committee members. Committees include the Scientific Programme, Sponsors & Fundraising, International Contacts, Hosting & Logistics, Media & Branding, and Research & Development.

ISCOMS Research Fellowships (IRF)

ISCOMS is more than just a congress; it also incorporates several different projects. [2] The ISCOMS Research Fellowships (IRF) is such a project and is unique in Europe and has become an integral part of the experience. It provides a starting point for students to pursue a career in medical sciences, broaden their scientific network, increase the range of their knowledge and amplify their experience with research by giving 30 enthusiastic and talented students the opportunity to join a research group in the University Medical Center Groningen. During a challenging two-week period, chosen students will work on their own individual project and for some this may transcend into a chance to conduct a long-term PhD project in Groningen. [3]

Notes and references

  1. "ISCOMS".
  2. "Research". 9 December 2021.
  3. "ISCOMS Research Fellowships". 3 November 2021.