International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections

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The International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1923, [1] and has charitable status in the UK. [2] It produces guidelines for Europe on the management of sexually transmitted infections and is organisation in consultative status with the WHO. [1] It also provides training and management in the field of STIs, publishes an STI textbook, [1] and publishes the journal Sexual Health . It also runs conferences, such as IUSTI Europe Congress (as of 2024, 36 annual conferences) and the IUSTI World Congress (as of 2024, 24) [3] and many other regional meetings. [4]

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  1. 1 2 3 Ross, Jonathan (April 2012). "What is the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections?". Sexually Transmitted Infections. 88 (3): 228–228. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2011-050414. ISSN   1368-4973.
  3. "IUSTI Europe - Home". Retrieved 2024-07-13.
  4. Winceslaus, S. J. (2001-04-01). "International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections". International Journal of STD & AIDS. 12 (4): 275–275. doi:10.1258/0956462011922869. ISSN   0956-4624.