Sexual Health (journal)

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Abstracting and indexing

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The Archives of Sexual Behavior is a peer-reviewed academic journal in sexology. It is the official publication of the International Academy of Sex Research.

<i>Australian Journal of Chemistry</i> Academic journal

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<i>American Journal of Public Health</i> Peer-reviewed academic journal

The American Journal of Public Health is a monthly peer-reviewed public health journal published by the American Public Health Association that covers health policy and public health. The journal was established in 1911 and its stated mission is "to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education." The journal occasionally publishes themed supplements. The editor-in-chief is Alfredo Morabia.

The Australian Journal of Botany is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by CSIRO Publishing. It covers all areas of plant biology, with a focus on Southern Hemisphere ecosystems. As of 2024, the editors-in-chief are John Morgan and Mark Ooi. The journal was previously edited by Dick Williams.

Historical Records of Australian Science is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal covering the history of science in Australia and the south-west Pacific and published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science. It was established in 1966 as an irregular publication with the title Records of the Australian Academy of Science, obtaining its current name in 1980. Since then, the journal has appeared annually and, since 1991, twice a year.

Addiction is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal established in 1903 by the Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and other Drugs as the British Journal of Inebriety. It was renamed British Journal of Addiction to Alcohol & Other Drugs in 1947, then renamed to British Journal of Addiction in 1980, before finally obtaining its current name in 1993. It covers research relating to the abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco, as well as behavioural addictions. The editor-in-chief is John Marsden.

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Phytochemistry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering pure and applied plant chemistry, plant biochemistry and molecular biology. It is published by Elsevier and is an official publication for the Phytochemical Society of Europe, the Phytochemical Society of North America, and the Phytochemical Society of Asia.

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Sexually Transmitted Infections is a peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes original research, descriptive epidemiology, evidence-based reviews and comment on the clinical, public health, translational, sociological and laboratory aspects of sexual health, HIV and AIDS, from around the world. It also publishes educational articles, letters, a blog and podcasts.

<i>Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology</i>

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Sexual and Relationship Therapy is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal offering a multidisciplinary forum for review and debate in the field of sex and relationship therapies. The journal presents original research and best practice and is a vehicle for new theory, methodology, and application. The focus of the journal is international and interdisciplinary in nature, with a range of contributions from diverse places on the globe, and myriad disciplines like sex therapy, sexual medicine, psychology, sexology, family therapy, public health, sociology, counselling, and medical ethics. It is the official journal of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). The journal was established in 1986 under the title Sexual and Marital Therapy, and under its current title since 2000. The editor-in-chief is Dr. Markie Twist.

The Australian Journal of Primary Health is a quarterly peer-reviewed healthcare journal published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing. It was established in 1995 as the Australian Journal of Primary Health Interchange and obtained its current name in 2001. The journal covers all aspects of community health services and primary health care.

The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to research on the psychology of religion. Its scope includes the social psychology of religion, religious development, conversion, religious experience, religion and social attitudes and behavior, religion and mental health, and psychoanalytic and other theoretical interpretations of religion. The current editor-in-chief is Heinz Streib . As of 2020, the book review editors were Katarzyna Skrzypińska and W. Paul Williamson.

<i>Journal of Infection</i> Academic journal

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The Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners is a monthly peer-reviewed nursing journal covering the practice of nurse practitioners. It is the official journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. The journal was established in 1989 as the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, obtaining its current name in 2013.

Health, Risk & Society is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering all aspects of risk analysis concerning health issues. It was established in 1999 and is published by Taylor & Francis. The editor-in-chief is Patrick Brown from the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
