Intravenous marijuana syndrome

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Intravenous marijuana syndrome is a distinct short-term clinical syndrome related to the intravenous injection of boiled cannabis broth that has been filtered through a cotton cloth. The syndrome has at least 25 known cases in the English language literature, but all of them prior to 1983. [1]

It is postulated that contamination, perhaps from the cotton used to strain the liquid of the broth or from particulate plant matter getting through the straining method, could be the cause of the illnesses. [1] Recently it has also been proposed that anaphylactic reactions to compounds found in the cannabis broth might contribute to the reported cases of illness. [2]

Common side effects of intravenous marijuana syndrome include fever, myalgia, nausea and vomiting. [3]

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  1. 1 2 Daniel Brandenburg; Richard Wernick (July 1986). "Intravenous Marijuana Syndrome". Western Journal of Medicine . 145 (1): 94–96. PMC   1306836 . PMID   3489321.
  2. Gilbert, John D; Grabowski, Marc; Byard, Roger W (2017-04-12). "Intravenous administration of cannabis and lethal anaphylaxis". Medicine, Science and the Law. 57 (2): 91–94. doi:10.1177/0025802417699343. ISSN   0025-8024. PMID   28438101. S2CID   206425419.
  3. Brandenburg, D; Wernick, R (1986-07-01). "Intravenous marijuana syndrome". Western Journal of Medicine. 145 (1): 94–96. ISSN   0093-0415. PMC   1306836 . PMID   3489321.